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Day 98: Coaching and 4Clojure 53

Thoughts for today

Continued coaching one of my regular students

Took Poppy (one of my cats) to the vets for a checkup. Apart from a some plaque build Poppy is fine. More toothpaste and teeth cleaning for Poppy.

Cycled into Wagamama Southbank for another coaching session, getting my teeth stuck into 4Clojure challenge #53, a tricky one eventually solved with partition and partition-by.

4Clojure code

4Clojure #53λ︎

Ouch, exercise 53 was quite a tricky problem and very easy to get caught up in imperative thinking.

Trying to do this using loop/recur and reduce approach became very complex and we didnt get that working in the end.

I started a more functional approach along the right lines with partitioning up the data set so each combination of pairs could be compared to see if the second value was higher than the first.

After some experiementing I realised partition-by could use a function that grouped the pairs until the pairs stopped increasing.

This approach to partitioning put the data in to a shape that made it easier to process.

Redundant data was removed and then the remaining partiions sorted by size, using count to find the largest continuous sequence.

Then the resulting partitions needed to be flattened to get the right shape of data as a result.

4Clojure Challenge 53 - Partition and Filter

;; Partition and Filter approach (medium abstraction)

(fn [coll]
  (let [a (partition-by #(apply < %) (partition 2 1 coll))
        b (filter (fn [[[x1 x2]]] (< x1 x2)) a)
        c (first (sort-by count > b))]
    (concat (first c) (map last (rest c)))))

Design Journal - 4Clojure #53

(ns four-clojure.053-longest-increasing-sub-seq)

;; #053 Longest increasing sub-sequence

;; Difficulty:  Hard
;; Topics:  seqs

;; Given a vector of integers, find the longest consecutive sub-sequence of increasing numbers. If two sub-sequences have the same length, use the one that occurs first. An increasing sub-sequence must have a length of 2 or greater to qualify.

;; (= (__ [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5]) [0 1 2 3])
;; (= (__ [5 6 1 3 2 7]) [5 6])
;; (= (__ [2 3 3 4 5]) [3 4 5])
;; (= (__ [7 6 5 4]) [])

;; Deconstruct the problem

;; This challenge took quite a bit of thinking about as its quite an
;; imperative problem, which can easily lead to an imperative solution.

;; Initial reading of the challenge suggests we iterate through the
;; given collection values, keeping a record of each sub sequence as we go.

;; This suggests we need to keep state not just for each sub-sequence
;; but also keeping the value of the previous element as we find consecutive sub-sequences.

;; By transforming the data to more relevantly shaped structures
;; hopefully we can used simpler functions to create the desired results.

;; Basic algorithm:
;; Find the consecutive sub-sequences in a given collection

;; e.g. [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5] would contain [(1) (0 1 2 3) (0) (4 5)]

;; Then find the longest sub-sequence

;; REPL experiments

;; Taking a low abstraction approach with loop and recur

;; Our function takes the collection to be processed as an argument.

((fn longest-sub [collection]
       ;; `temporary-sub` is the current sub-sequence being processed
       ;; `sub-collection` will contain the sub-sequences found
       ;; `remaining-collection` is used to iterate through the collection
       [temporary-sub        []
        sub-collection       []
        remaining-collection collection]

     (if (empty? remaining-collection)

       ;; If no more numbers in the collection, return the current sub-collection

       ;; else if there are still numbers in the collection
         ;; temporary-sub for building a sequence of consecutive numbers
           (=    temporary-sub              [])                           [(first remaining-collection)]
           (=    (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) (conj temporary-sub (first remaining-collection))
           (not= (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) [(first remaining-collection)])

         ;; sub-collection holds the largest sequence found so far
         (if (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))

         ;; remaining collection
         (rest remaining-collection)))))
 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])

;; passes the first two tests, but fails the third test.  Returns [2 3] for the third test, instead of [3 4 5] because we drop out of the loop without checking if the temporary-sub is larger than the sub-collection.

;; works for all tests except the last one...
((fn longest-sub [collection]
       ;; `temporary-sub` is the current sub-sequence being processed
       ;; `sub-collection` will contain the sub-sequences found
       ;; `remaining-collection` is used to iterate through the collection
       [temporary-sub        []
        sub-collection       []
        remaining-collection collection]

     ;; If no more numbers in the collection, return the current sub-collection
     (if (empty? remaining-collection)

       ;; As the temporary-sub value doesnt get compared until the recur call,
       ;; we need to evaluate which is bigger when processing the last value from the original collection.
       (if (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))

       ;; else if there are still numbers in the collection
         ;; temporary-sub for building a sequence of consecutive numbers
           (=    temporary-sub              [])                           [(first remaining-collection)]
           (=    (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) (conj temporary-sub (first remaining-collection))
           (not= (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) [(first remaining-collection)])

         ;; sub-collection holds the largest sequence found so far
         (if (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))

         ;; remaining collection
         (rest remaining-collection)))))
 [2 3 3 4 5])

((fn longest-sub [collection]
       ;; `temporary-sub` is the current sub-sequence being processed
       ;; `sub-collection` will contain the sub-sequences found
       ;; `remaining-collection` is used to iterate through the collection
       [temporary-sub        []
        sub-collection       []
        remaining-collection collection]

     ;; If no more numbers in the collection, return the current sub-collection
     (if (empty? remaining-collection)

       ;; As the temporary-sub value doesnt get compared until the recur call,
       ;; we need to evaluate which is bigger when processing the last value from the original collection.
       ;; If all the sub-sequences are the same lenght, then we need to return an empty collection (as in the final test)
         (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))   temporary-sub
         (> (count sub-collection) (count temporary-sub))   sub-collection
         (= 1 (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection)) [])

       ;; else if there are still numbers in the collection
         ;; temporary-sub for building a sequence of consecutive numbers
           (=    temporary-sub              [])                           [(first remaining-collection)]
           (=    (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) (conj temporary-sub (first remaining-collection))
           (not= (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) [(first remaining-collection)])

         ;; sub-collection holds the largest sequence found so far
         (if (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))

         ;; remaining collection
         (rest remaining-collection)))))
 [7 6 5 4])

;; Whew... that was quite a lot of work and a lot of code for someone to maintain.

;; Hopefully we can find some abstractions that will make this code much simpler to work with

;; thinking through the algorithm again, a more functional approach would be something like:

(let [sequence [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5]]
  ;; divide into a growing sequence of numbers [[1] [1 0] [1 0 1 2]]
  ;; sort-by count
  ;; reverse
  ;; first

;; Solving #53 with partitioning and filters
;; Can we group the numbers together so they are grouped sequentially?

;; Lets partition the first collection
;; Partition into pairs, one step at a time,
;; so each pair of numbers can be compared

(partition 2 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])
;; => ((1 0) (1 2) (3 0) (4 5))

(partition 2 1 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])
;; => ((1 0) (0 1) (1 2) (2 3) (3 0) (0 4) (4 5))

;; We have a simple partition of the collection
;; Now we can partition again using a function
;; that compares values, so that we can again group by an increasing sequence

;; We want to see which pair has the second number higher than the first
;; so greater-than function is a simple test.
;; We need to apply the greater-than function to each pair in the partitioned collection
;; As each pair is in a collection then we need to map over each vector of tha tcollection

(map #(apply < %) [[1 0] [0 1] [1 2]])
;; => (false true true)

;; So this gives us a promising looking function to partition with

(partition-by #(apply < %)
              (partition 2 1 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5]))
;; (((1 0))
;; ((0 1) (1 2) (2 3)) ((3 0))
;; ((0 4) (4 5)))

;; we now have a collection that is partitioned where ever
;; the second number of a piair was not greater than the first.

;; We still have one pair that does not increase,
;; so we can filter that out using another function

(filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => (1 3 5)

  (fn [[[number1 number2]]]
    (< number1 number2))
  (partition-by #(apply < %)
                (partition 2 1 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])))
;; => (((0 1) (1 2) (2 3))
;;     ((0 4) (4 5)))

;; Now we only have two collections of pairs,
;; each of which increases

;; So we can just sort these collections by count,
;; so the biggest collection is first
;; then get the first one.

(sort-by count >
           (fn [[[number1 number2]]]
             (< number1 number2))
           (partition-by #(apply < %)
                         (partition 2 1 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5]))))
;; => (((0 1) (1 2) (2 3)) ((0 4) (4 5)))

;; No change in the order of elements returned in this example,
;; but it ensures we have the correct order.
;; So lets get the first element

  (sort-by count >
             (fn [[[number1 number2]]]
               (< number1 number2))
             (partition-by #(apply < %)
                           (partition 2 1 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])))))
;; => ((0 1) (1 2) (2 3))

;; So now we just need to combine our remaining collection to get the right shape.

;; We cant just flatten, as we have extra values
(flatten [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3]])
;; => (0 1 1 2 2 3)

;; If we take the first collection that contains a pair
;; and add the last value from each of the following pairs
;; then we will get the right result

  (first [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3]])
  (map last (rest [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3]])))
;; => (0 1 2 3)

;; It would lead to a lot of repeated code to fit this around the function so far
;; so using the let function will help

((fn [coll]
   (let [partitioned (partition-by #(apply < %) (partition 2 1 coll))
         filtered    (filter (fn [[[x1 x2]]] (< x1 x2)) partitioned)
         sorted      (first (sort-by count > filtered))]
     (concat (first sorted) (map last (rest sorted)))))
 [1 0 1 2 3 0 4 5])
;; => (0 1 2 3)

;; Answers summary

;; Partition and Filter approach (medium abstraction)

(fn [coll]
  (let [a (partition-by #(apply < %) (partition 2 1 coll))
        b (filter (fn [[[x1 x2]]] (< x1 x2)) a)
        c (first (sort-by count > b))]
    (concat (first c) (map last (rest c)))))

;; loop recur approach (low level of abstraction)

(fn longest-sub [collection]
       ;; `temporary-sub` is the current sub-sequence being processed
       ;; `sub-collection` will contain the sub-sequences found
       ;; `remaining-collection` is used to iterate through the collection
       [temporary-sub        []
        sub-collection       []
        remaining-collection collection]

     ;; If no more numbers in the collection, return the current sub-collection
     (if (empty? remaining-collection)

       ;; As the temporary-sub value doesnt get compared until the recur call,
       ;; we need to evaluate which is bigger when processing the last value from the original collection.
       ;; If all the sub-sequences are the same lenght, then we need to return an empty collection (as in the final test)
         (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection)) temporary-sub
         (> (count sub-collection) (count temporary-sub)) sub-collection
         (= 1 (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection)) [])

       ;; else if there are still numbers in the collection
        ;; temporary-sub for building a sequence of consecutive numbers
          (=    temporary-sub              [])                           [(first remaining-collection)]
          (=    (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) (conj temporary-sub (first remaining-collection))
          (not= (inc (last temporary-sub)) (first remaining-collection)) [(first remaining-collection)])

        ;; sub-collection holds the largest sequence found so far
        (if (> (count temporary-sub) (count sub-collection))

        ;; remaining collection
        (rest remaining-collection)))))

;; Interesting 4Clojure answers

(fn [s]
   (for [a (range (count s))
         b (range (inc a) (count s))]
     (subvec s a (inc b)))
   (filter #(apply < %))
   (sort-by count >)

Thank you.

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