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Day 96 - User Feedback session & 4Clojure exercises

Thoughts for today

User feedback session for an interesting AI product client that I will be involved with in the new year.

Sometimes listening is a challenge.

AI product reviewλ︎

It was useful to hear from one of the users of the AI product by the company that I will work with next.

However a lot of distraction came from the team, especially in random directions of discussions and unclear discussions about how the tool should be used.

This seemed a little about face, as we should be focusing more on how the user is working and fitting the tool around them. The more training we need to give to the users, the greater barrier there would be to adoption.

Code from todayλ︎

4Clojure 50: Split by type

;; Answers summary

(fn [data]
  (vals (group-by type data)))

;; low golf score answer

#(vals (group-by type %))

4Clojure exercisesλ︎

I documented the solution to 4Clojure echallenge #50 whilst travelling on the train home from the meeting with the AI product client.

Thank you.

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