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Day 94 - Coaching and Emacs talk at Linux in London

Thoughts for today

Cycled into London today on the Brompton and my Tannus tyres still going strong. I finally got a moment to clean them too.

Another very productive coaching day in Wagamama today, covering the inside out approach to writing Clojure. I pushed 3 out of the 6 exercise we completed to Github.

Cycled over to SkillsMatter to give (finish writing) my Emacs for your digital life talk for Linux in London community.

Code from todayλ︎

Coaching in Clojure using 4Clojure.comλ︎

Covered several Easy level challenges

Discussed the thinking approach to solving 4Clojure challenges and problems in general. Breaking down problems into very simple parts, solving simple parts and then building them up to solve the larger problem. Much easier to spot errors and find code that does not quite work.

Challenges in 4Clojure seem to ask for quite specific forms of result, eg, you must return a set or a vector rather than a list. This can be a little distracting as many times its simply the values inside the form that are important and where the test is actually taking place. In extremely simplistic terms you can still think of all collections as a sequence, although everything but a list has extra symantics and features you can use.

Worked through challenges #46 to #51 during the coaching session.

Emacs for your digital lifeλ︎

Presentation for the Linux in London meetup group. Lots of festive cheer, swag and I even won a reusable tea cup!

The aim of the talk was to show off the advantages of Emacs, so I created my presentation using org-mode.

See [[file:~/Documents/][~/Documents/]]

Thank you.

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