Day 106: TicTacToe for Virtual Study Group
Walking through a video taking a functional approach to the Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Clojure study group.
Code from todayλ︎
Functional Tic-Tac-Toeλ︎
Make changes to the design of the board and players to make the code easier to read than the original code in the video by Brian Wills.
Refactor the play-game
function to take starting-board
and player-sequence
as arguments rather than pulling in shared values (def). Passing arguments also means that play-game
can be called with different board states, useful for testing especially if a computer opponent was added as an option to the game play.
Refactor: play-game function
(defn play-game
"The game loop.
We iterate through the player sequence (alternate player turns)
until there is a winner or the board is full."
[starting-board player-sequence]
(loop [board starting-board
player-sequence player-sequence]
(let [winner (winner? board)]
(println "Current board:")
(display-board board)
winner (println "Player " (player-name winner) " wins!")
(full-board? board) (println "The game is a draw.")
(take-turn (first player-sequence) board)
(rest player-sequence))))))
(play-game starting-board player-sequence))
It could be interesting to make an AI for both players and watch the output as a game progresses. A dynamic web page view of the game simulation could producing a simulation like that seen at the end of the War Games movie.
Thank you.