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Data Driven Components & Neovim updates

Thoughts for the week

Practicalli Astro config for Clojure development with Neovim initial release.

Presented my experiences with Component libraries to London Clojurians this week, specifically comparing Integrant and Donut-party/system. I discussed my Service REPL workflow to show the benefits and constraints of these two libraries.

For component libraries to work well, then code should be reloadable. There are a few parts of the Clojure language that do make it harder to reload code, (deftype, defrecord, etc), although I tend to avoid those parts anyway.

Issues this week



Once AstroNvim version 4 was release the Practicalli config was recreated from the new AstroNvim template (April 2024).

After several months experimentation and testing of the new configuration, Practicalli Astro was officially released this week.

London Clojuriansλ︎

Sharing my experiences of using a REPL driven approach to Clojure services, including experiences of using Integrant and Donut-party/system libraries for managing the component parts of a service.

  • Practicalli Clojure Web Services - Service REPL
  • generated projects from the :practicalli/service template of Practicalli Project Templates
  • Clojure API service managing components with an atom
  • Clojure API service managing components with Integrant & Integrant REPL
  • Clojure API service managing components with Donut-party/system

Meld comparison of generated projects

The projects purposely have a similar structure (after several refactor sessions) so should be easy to compare.

TODO: add screenshots

Health & Welbeingλ︎

Lots of cycling and walking this month.

Cycle ride to Lehnam with some members of the local Bigfoot Cycling Club. 150km ride, ascending ...

One rider had several punctures and only one tube of the right size. Several patches were applied to no success. I did have the opportunity to impart some skills when it came to removing and fitting a bicycle tyre with the group.

Thank you.

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