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Clojure 1.12 and Learn Clojure book

Thoughts for the week

Work on Practicalli Learn Clojure book, a practical guide to getting comfortable working with Clojure. A full guide to using Clojure is in the Practicalli Clojure book.

Added RSS feed for Journal, although I feel that all these blogs should be merged into the site for a single collection or articles. The articles can be categorised to keep them separate.

Health is still recovering from a little Covid symptoms. Took Monday off work and slept most of the day.

Clojure 1.12 releaseλ︎

Now that Clojure 1.12 has been released its time to update the Practicalli projects and guides to use 1.12 as the default version.

The add-libs guides for hot loading libraries should be updated in Practicalli Clojure.

The user.clj code for add-libs should be updated in Practicalli Project Templates

Update Practicalli Clojure CLI Config to use newer versions of tools which have been updated to Clojure 1.12, e.g. deps-new.

Learn Clojureλ︎

Practicalli Learn Clojure is a book to get you started with Clojure in a very practical way, for those curious about Clojure but haven't yet decided to go all in.

  • Install (simplified)
  • Using the REPL effectively
  • a brief mention to using an editor and what features will beneifit
  • Essential concepts
  • comments, expressions (prefix notation), namespaces, simple data
  • Writing and Evaluating code
  • Writing and running tests
  • Specifications & Generative testing
  • Essential code styles & format tools
  • Essential idioms
  • Essential functions and namespaces from the Clojure Standard Library
  • Challenges and day projects (can be completed in a day or less)
  • Reference: Core principles (summary in introduction)

The book will purposely avoid topics that are very rarely used, e.g. Macros, deftypes, defrecords, leiningen, community libraries, etc

Should the reader want to go all in with Clojure, they should select the most appropriate book from the Practicalli Collection

  • Practicalli Clojure - the full Clojure workflow
  • Practicalli Clojure Web Services - production level projects build on reitit, reitit-ring, mutaana, jetty, mulog, etc.
  • Practicalli ClojureScript - Pure ClojureScript projects figwheel (and little or no JavaScript packages or interop)
  • Practicalli Neovim and Practicalli Spacemacs for editor specific guides

Thank you.

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