Linux Wayland Compositor & Hyprland
A friend recommended Hyprland window manager which is similar to i3 window manager I currently used, but more optomised for the Wayland compositor.
Practicalli currently uses Regolith Desktop, a complete Linux desktop that leverages Gnome and i3 tiling window manager.
Regolith Desktop provides quite a rich experience using the regolith-desktop
Debian package. I have not had much success with Regolith when running with Wayland (specifically Sway).
Sway compositor is an implementation of wayland for i3 window manager. Some of my applications do not see to play nice with Sway (e.g. chromium browser scrolling, simplescreenrecorder cannot run on wayland).
OBS did seem to work okay on wayland, given a sufficiently recent version.
A friend recommended Hyprland, a tiling compositor that provides the latest Wayland features and lots of eye candy. Its pretty easy to setup on Debian, although there is much additional setup before it would be comparable to Regolith Desktop.
Neovim Grug plugin is being considered as an alternative to the Spectre tool for search and replacing across a project.