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Company offsite week

Thoughts for the week

Travelling for a work event in Portugal with a chance to meet people I work with face to face for the first time.

I am accustom to working remotely since 2010, having worked for companies based outside of the UK. It is always very valuable to meet people face to face and can start or strengthen a relationship.

Company Offsiteλ︎

The first evening was a nice dinner after a quick and freshing shower.

A bracing swim in the mornings really helped give me energy for each day. Swimming was also a great way to minimise any feelings of travel. I took the opportunity to have at least 1 swim a day, with 2 swims on Tuesday.

I was very sleepy on the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel on Monday. I slept on the flight the whole way back to the UK. I am not sure I even remember the take-off.

Tuesday night was a relaxed evening where everyone could do there own activity. A few of use tried a co-operative card game called Hanabi which is also an example of a limited communication game. No one can see their own cards but can see everyone elses. Each player can either play a card, give a hint to a player or discard a card they hold. There is a limited number of hints available (tracked by tokens) and a use hint is reactivated if a card is played correctly.

As there was a limit on communication, it was facinating to see the body language and non-verbal communication of all the players.


Version 0.10.0 released.

Downloaded the nvim.appimage file from the Neovim GitHub repository release page and copied to ~/.local/bin/nvim-0.10.0.appimage. The ~/.local/bin/ directory is already on the operating system execution path.

The Neovim roadmap gives an overview of the major features and changes in version 0.10.0.

  • Default colorscheme
  • LSP inlay hints
  • TermRequest, TermResponse
  • treesitter: builtin parsers for bash, markdown, python
  • vim.iter
  • vim.lpeg,, vim.glob, vim.base64

Neovim 0.10.0 Changelog covers all breaking changes, new & changed features and deprecations.

I am unclear if there are any major features I will notice. I am sure I will benefit from the large number of small improvements, even if I do not experience them directly.

A bug that was annoying is now fixed. Typing / in insert mode for a markdown file was hanging neovim so badly that the process had to be killed. / in insert mode now shows the directory listing completion and no longer crashes Neovim.


Astrocommunity packages were updated previously to work with AstroNvim 0.4 version.

Many changes to AstroNvim plugins and Astrocommunity plugins have also been updated to ensure they support Neovim 0.10.0

Thank you.

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