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Practicalli Project Template updates

Thoughts for the week

Adding some nice little improvements to the Practicalli Project Templates

Practicalli Project templateλ︎

Noticed an issue was raised that highlighted the docker caching was not correct. Initially it seemed I was not using an appropriate alias to cache the project aliases.

Revised command to Prepare library dependencies

clojure -P && clojure -P -X:build

After adding a revised command, there were still dependencies being downloaded during the make dist phase, where tools.built creates the uberjar.


Update shell aliases for the new AstroNvim 4 configuration.

astro4 added whist testing the new version of AstroNvim.

astro changed to point to new AstroNvim version 4 user configuration by Practicalli once it was functionally comparable to AstroNvim version 3 user config by Practicalli.


# ------------------------------------------ 
# Neovim Aliases for multiple configurations
alias astro="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim nvim"
alias astro4="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim4 nvim"
alias astro="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim4 nvim"
alias astrotemplate="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim-template nvim"
alias kickstart="NVIM_APPNAME=kickstart-nvim nvim"
alias cajus="NVIM_APPNAME=cajus nvim"
alias neovim-config="NVIM_APPNAME=neovim-config nvim"

# Neovide alias with AstroNvim configuration
alias neovide="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim neovide"
alias neovide="NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim4 neovide"
# ------------------------------------------ 

Thank you.

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