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Discussing new role expectations

Thoughts for today

Learning a little more about the responsibilities and expectations of the new role, which seems very much as expected.

Meeting new managerλ︎

I'm joining the platform team of a very lovely company I have wanted to work with for a while. Start date is Monday 4th December.

I will have lots to learn when I join, especially how to use MacOSX desktop again. Using a Mac will be an opportunity to add any extra steps needed to support the Clojure workflow for MacOSX, although apart from the install I am sure its all the same as Linxu. BSD and Linux are incredibly similar (except for licensing).

I'll add general MacOSX tips for engineers to the Practicalli Engineering Playbook - OS section as I learn (or remember) them.

TODO: would be great to find a tiling window manager for MacOSX


Alex is a linter for text that help write in a neutral way and avoid potentially offensive words. An alexrc.yaml can specify words to ignore. Wrapping a word in 'single quotes' also seems to instruct Alex to ignore it.

Another practice website for Vim and Emacs key bindings with Short-cut Foo

I found Short-cut Foo a good way to practice how well you know the key bindings and helped me remember H M and L for jumping the cursor to the top, middle or bottom of the current window view.

TODO: add Short-cut foo to Practicalli Neovim

Fun with parcelsλ︎

I ordered a BeYou chair many years ago as part of a kick-starter and part of it has arrived. Unfortunately its only the base for the chair. The chair itself seems to have been collected by DHL 11 days ago, but is delayed for some unspecified reason.

I sold two packages worth of book and DVD's on WeBuyBooks about a month ago and they were collected pretty quickly by Evri. The following week Evri delivered one of the packages back to me instead of their intended destination. Now I have a pending order with WeBuyBooks which cannot complete until they get the other package. I contacted WeBuyBooks and they said I should contact Evri. I contacted Evri help and support via a live chat and as the delay is over 5 days then I should contact WeBuyBooks. I contacted WeBuyBooks again and they have now arranged for another collection.

I have more luck with MusicMagpie and Ziffit, although prices for each book, CD, DVD and game can vary quite a lot over each of the three services.

I get a laptop for use at the new company, so am also waiting for that to be delivered.

There are lots more things to sell and give away, so will be having another push to unused books, CDs and DVDs this week.

I have plenty of parcel tape for my tape 'gun' and plenty of empty cardboard boxes, so boxing things up is covered.

Thank you.

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