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Practicalli Email

Thought of the day

Making a note of why things are set up are useful so you dont delete anything important!

Practicalli Email addressλ︎

The domain is managed via Gandi domain name service.

Recieving emails from addresses is manged by Gandi Email forwarding, each email is mapped to a GMail email account.

Gandi also provided a free mailbox and SMTP service, although from November 2023 this is only a commercial servce.

The Gandi mailbox was used to send emails from addresses, although Gandi are only providing this as a paid service. I had forgotten why I had a mailbox with them as all the mail is forwared to GMail. Once I deleted the Gandi mailbox and send an email with a email address I quickly remembered...

I would rather use the sponsorship money to support writing content for Practicalli rather than speding it on services.

Luckily I found many articles on using Gmail SMTP server for applications and this includes GMail when using a different domain. This is also much simpler to maintain and understand what it is used for.

Create a Google account app password

Open > Security > 2-Step Verification > App passwords

Save app password in password manager as it will not be shown again.

Google account will confirm it was the correct user creating the app password, via an email and notification on the users android phone.

Sign in with app password - Google Account Help

The Google account App Password is used to send emails via Google server.

The Google account name and password cannot be used as that approach also requires a 2-factor token

Add another email account in Gmail

Open Gmail > Settings > Accounts and Import

Enter Name and Email address for the new email

Ensure Treat as an alias is ticked

Click Next Step>>

Configure the SMTP server with the Google Mail host

SMTP: server

Username: Google account user name

Password: App password (not the gmail login password)

Assuming the credentials are correct, Gmail will send a confirmation email to verify the new email address

To add your email address, click on the link in the confirmation email in Gmail Inbox.

Send Emails from different address or alias - Gmail help

If the email is not recieved, visit the Gmail > Settings > Accounts and Import and select veryify on the new email address

Debian Migrationλ︎

Backing up a Lenovo laptop to get ready to install Debian Linux.

Backup Asus Eze PC 900 and installed Debian Linux using i386 net iso image.

Thank you.

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