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Onboarding to a new role, hacking Clojure & Neovim

Thought of the day

Nervous excitement about starting a new role and hopeful I dont mess it up.

Enjoying writing a regular practicalli again, which is something I missed when not working.

The Arqivistλ︎

I've been contributing to The Arqivist open source project, used to back up Slack channels.

Another person was interested in collaborating but had a few issues getting started. The README was updated and an additional :dev/env alias added to deps.edn configuration if a contributor is not using the Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

PR93 - dev: update hack locally details for starting a REPL

Mulog Custom transformationsλ︎

Discussing the Arqivist project, a question arose about hiding sensitive data in logs during production whilst still seeing them during development, e.g anonymise sensitive data

Mulog has custom transformations which can be used to pre-process each event before the publisher dispatches the event.

The mulog maintainer created the where project to define Human readable conditions to filter data.

where is a DSL for powerful predicate functions

  {:type :console
   :pretty? true
   (partial filter (where :mulog/event-name :in? [:secret/db-connection :secret/api-key]))})

In a donut-party/system config, a production config would include the :transform and the dev config would not include the :transform


How to navigate Clojure code using AstorNvim was asked in the Clojurians Slack channel.

  • g d jumps to definitions, including let bindings and function args
  • SPC l s shows symbols in telescope popup
  • SPC l S shows symbols in a new buffer
  • S-( and S-( to traverse code

Neovim commands to investigate further

  • :help path and the related topics (gf, :find, etc.)
  • :help include and related commands ([i, :isearch)
  • :help define and related commands (esp. :help include-search)
  • :help gd and related commands
  • :help Explore and related commands
  • :help usr_22 has a good introduction

Clojurians Slack - navigating code in neovim discussion

Neovim plugin: nvim-treesitter-sexp

Evalaute the nvim-treesitter-sexp plugin with the Practialli AstorNvim User configuration and see if it is a valuable way to navigate Clojure expressions.

return {
    ft = { "clojure", "fennel", "janet" },
    opts = {
      -- configuration:
      enabled = true,
      set_cursor = true,
      keymaps = {
        commands = {
          promote_elem = "<LocalLeader>kO",
          promote_form = "<LocalLeader>ko",
          splice = "<LocalLeader>k@",
        motions = {},
        textobjects = {},

If the plugin is successful, add it to the AstroNvim Community Clojure pack

New roleλ︎

I'm starting a new role (references allowing) as an Engineering Manager at a very nice Fintech company.

I've signed a contract and started completing the inital onboarding forms. Hopefully the people I have put as references have positive things to say about me and the company is satisfied.

Part of the onboarding is to select a laptop to use. As the company is in a regulated industry, they use MacBook Pro for their engineers. I did get a choice of 14" or 16" display and which keyboard layout I preferred.

My previous experience with MacBook was mared by the elusive # character, so I opted for the International English Keyboard layout

MacBook Keyboard layouts visualised

MacBook Keyboard guide

Thank you.

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