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Practicalli Project Update 3

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Continued with Practicalli Clojure updates and weekly broadcasts covering Clojure spec and generative testing.

Also updates on Practicalli Spacemacs, including a move to doom modeline theme for a clean and modern look to Spacemacs.

I was still feeling the affects of illness for some of this period, but steadily improving.

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

Designing specifications for an online bank and basic generative testing video added to the Practicall Clojure Spec playlist

Practicalli Clojure Updatesλ︎

Adding content and videos to the Introducing Spec section of the book, providing live code examples via klipse enabling the reader to interact with the specs and functions in the Practicalli Clojure book website.

Spec is introduced by showing how it can be used in the REPL and added to project, with the leveraging-spec project containing many different examples.

Divided the Spec section into Spec data, that covers how the use of predicates, literals and custom functions as specifications along with the core functions to verify data agains specs (conform, valid?, explain).

Expanded on Getting Started section, converting to Clojure CLI and tools.deps. Examples on using Clojure CLI tools to evaluate functions, load files and run applications.

Added details on configuring tools.deps and how to define and use multiple aliases. Provided a collection of aliases for community tools, jcenter clojars mirror and how to use a local Artifactory instance.

Added section rebel readline for a feature rich command line REPL, including install, customisation and major features.

Configure REPL starutup for Clojure CLI projects, examples of using dev/user.clj to require namespaces, call functions and manage component lifecycle services (mount, component, integrant, etc.).

Clojure deps.edn updatesλ︎

  • Using REBL from Emacs CIDER using nREBL middleware, alias and configuration
  • Add example of a local Artifatory instance for a repository provider
  • :dev alias - used to configure the Clojure repl automatically on startup by evaluating the content of dev/user.clj
  • Update of dependency versions in the deps.edn file with depot
  • Update unit testing aliases, add separate expectation aliases.
  • :test-path alias - enable Emacs CIDER and other tools to add the test directory to the classpath

Practicalli Spacemacs Updatesλ︎

Added page on calling component lifecycle services when refreshing the REPL from CIDER.

Updated practicalli/spacemacs.d to use doom modeline and doom-gruvbox-light theme to give a modern and clean look to Spacemacs.

Practicalli Spacemacs with Gruvbox Light Emacs theme and Doom Modeline theme