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Practicalli Project Update 2

Clojurists Together Logo

Unfortunately I was ill for most of this period, so not as much achieved this time. I am (and always intended to) extending the work passed the Clojurists Together sponsor period.


Continuing the weekly broadcasts on Clojure spec, a topic that will be added to the Practicalli Clojure book.

Added GitHub issues / PR shields for each book on the website to make tracking and contributing more convenient.

Pages on how to use Magit forge to list and create issues and pull requests as well as fork repositories on GitHib, all from within Spacemacs (Emacs).

Practicalli Websiteλ︎

Added Shields for each book with links to content ideas and pull requests on the respective repositories. Aids in the tracking of book progress and providing another way for others to contribute.

Added YouTube playlists to the Practicalli website to make specific video content easier to find.

Updated the Creative commons license notice on the front pages of all books and GitHub README files, ensuring compliance with the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Add favicon to each book website

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

Continuing the new series on clojure.spec.alpha, this time comparing function definition validation with :pre / :post conditions and spec fdef.

Practicalli Spacemacsλ︎

Several updates on using the Magit client

Guide on using Magit Forge to list and create issues and pull requests on GitHub, including forking remote repositories on GitHub.

Updated and tested the Magit Forge configuration page

Add page on how to staging changes with Magit, including the scope of changes that can be selected, from multiple files, hunks or individual lines.

Video to how to update an existing pull request added to the contributing section, to complement the existing video showing how to contribute a pull request to Spacemacs (which can be used for any other project).

Practicalli Spacemacs playlist updated with related Spacemacs videos from jr0cket channel.

Supported the community with issues on Spacemacs gitter and #spacemacs channel of Clojurians Slack.

Practicalli Clojure WebAppsλ︎

Add the high level plan to extend the book contents to the Clojure WebApps book, along with project ideas to implement.

Updated the cover of the book to use the new Practicalli ClojureWebApps book banner

Improvements to various content sections based on feedback from the community.

  • Updated webapps overview with additional project links
  • Completely revised the introduction to sets and hash-maps
  • Improved descriptions for the ring introduction, creating a project, creating a webserver, defining handlers, compojure defroutes and using the let function
  • Clarified use of Heroku for deploying applications