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Practicalli Project Update 1

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Unfortunately illness caught up with me towards the end of this period, but otherwise I have been busy with the weeekly broadcasts and improvements to the Practicalli Clojure book, updating the install guides to Clojure CLI tools and repl driven development sections.

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

The weekly live broadcasts continue, finalizing the data science series and starting a new series on clojure.spec

Visualising data scienceλ︎

Concluded the series of 7 live broadcasts on Visualising data science.

The series started with extraction of data from various sources and how to transform data into more relevant structures for the task required. Initially using ascii-graph to visualize data in the REPL before moving on to create a professional looking dashboard usings Oz and Bulma CSS framework.

The dashboard project was developed around the continually changing coronavirus data available in the UK. The broadcasts has several examples of how to deal with things when the data format changes (which it did several times).

The later broadcasts includes tips and examples on how to refactor a project as it grows.

Introduction to clojure.spec.alphaλ︎

Started a new video series covering how to use spec in the REPL and with Clojure projects

Initially covering the foundation functions of the clojure.spec.alpha library and why its called alpha. practicalli/leveraging-spec project was created, covering Clojure predicates, spec/conform, spec/valid?, literal values (Clojure sets), the spec registry, fully qualified namespaces, map literal syntax, spec/def and spec/explain.

Started a spec for an online bank account that will be used in further episodes of the series.

Practicalli Clojureλ︎

Continued to migrate the book to Clojure CLI tools and deps.edn projects. The overall book content design is being refactored.

Update install guide to use Java 11 and added more editor options to the install guides, including NeoVim Conjure and Chlorine.

Updated the practicalli/clojure-deps-edn repository with also contains a collection of commonly used aliases. This repository greatly simplifies the installation of Clojure CLI tooling.

Started creating transcripts for videos. Creating transcripts first helps increase the quality of videos created and reduces the amount of effort required post processing videos.

Added basic introduction to spec which will be expanded as Practicalli study group video series continues

Practicalli Spacemacsλ︎

Supported the community with issues on Spacemacs gitter and #spacemacs channel of Clojurians Slack.

Practicalli Clojure WebAppsλ︎

Refactor overall book content design for Practicalli Clojure WebApps - plan to extend the scope of the book.