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Magit Git clientλ︎

Space g s to open magit status

Magit Status buffer shows the status of the local and remote repository (when a remote is added)

? to show the Magit Status help

j / k to navigate line by line

[ / ] to navigate by section, depending on the type of section the cursor is located (hunk, file, status)

Tab to toggle the expantion of the current sections. Shift Tab to toggle the expansion of all sections

Stage Changesλ︎

s to stage a file, hunk or visual selection, S to stage all unstaged changes.

u to unstage a file, hunk or visual selection, U to unstage all staged changes.

v j / k to select one or more lines within a hunk

Stash changesλ︎

Z to open the stash menu

Evil key binding shadows Magit z stash menu

z in magit status buffer shows the Evil z menu rather than Magit stash menu, although there are some magit relevant commands in that menu.

? to open magit-dispatch, showing the Magit top level menu. z now calls the Magit stash menu. Or use Z

Z z to stash all the staged and unstaged changes, prompting for a meaningful name for the stash (to help remember what is inside the stash)

Z a applies (copies) the contents of the stash into the working directory, adding back staged and unstaged changes. If the working copy has been modified since the stash, merge conflicts may occur and be highlighted in the magit status buffer.

Z a as with apply but deletes the slash (unless there is a merge conflict and the stash is kept)

Z a delected the current stash (under the cursor)


c opens the commit menu

  • c to create a new commit from the staged changes
  • a to amend an existing commit with the staged changes
  • e to extend a existing commit with the staged changes (skip editing the commit message)

c opens the commit message buffer, using a commit message template if configured

a opens the commit message buffer with the message from the current commit

Z Z to create a new commit, including any changes maded to the commit message

Z Q to abort the commit message

Enter on a commit, e.g. in recent commit section, opens the commit details that shows the commit message, meta data and the changes (diff)

Changing Historyλ︎

The latest commit can be ammended, extended, squashed from the C commit menu.

O on a commit (in recent commits or log view)

r rebase menu to change any part of the commit history

Remote Repositoriesλ︎

M opens the remote menu

a to add a remote, specifying the name for the remote, e.g. practicalli

r to rename an existing remote name, prompting to select the remote to rename

C to configure an existing remote, i.e. to update the URL of the remote

P opens the push menu, p to push all local changes to the remote repository (origin or what ever remote is set as the push default)

F opens the pull menu, p to pull remote changes to the local repository, or u to pull from upstream, e to select the remote from those currently added.

Merge Conflictsλ︎

e on a conflicted file opens an ediff view, showing the original file on the left and the changes on the right, with a 3rd window at the bottom that contains the ediff commands.

j / k to navigate by diff, moving the two main views in unison.

a to retain the original text and update the change, or b to accept the new change into the original file

Pushing changes regularly minimises the risk of merge conflicts

TODO listλ︎

TODO: is the magit-todo list included in doom or does it need to be added as a package?
