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Using Workspacesλ︎

Multiple workspaces are a convienient way to manage working with different projects.

Space l is the workspace menu from practicalli/doom-emacs-config (Space Tab in Doom Emacs)

Space p p and selecting a project will open the project within a workspace

Space l l lists existing workflows

Space l Tab jumps to the last open workspace (use to toggle between two projects)

Space l d displays existing workflows as tabs at the bottom of the frame

Isolated buffer-listλ︎

Space b b is workspace-restricted, showing open buffers only from the scope of the current workspace (projeect).

Space b B shows the global list of buffers, along with any typically hidden buffers, e.g. *messages*

Automatic workspacesλ︎

A workspace is automatically created (and switched to) when you:

  • Create a new frame with make-frame
  • Switch to a project using projectile-switch-project

Session persistenceλ︎

Space q s to save the current session, including open workspaces and buffers, to , ~/.config/emacs/.local/etc/workspaces/autosave. Space q s to choose a different file to save the session.

Space q L (~+workspace/load-session~) to load a previous session

You can supply either a name to load a specific session to replace your current one.

Workspace persistenceλ︎

Space l s (~+workspace/save~) to save the current workspace to a file. If workspaces are already saved to file, a prompt appears to confirm keeping the other saved workspaces.

Space l l (~+workspace/load~) to load workspaces from the persisted workspace file, ~/.config/emacs/.local/etc/workspaces/autosave

Space l L to load a workspace that was previously created in the current session but was not loaded automatically


Default keybindings (defined in /config/default/+evil-bindings.el

command description
~+workspace/new~ Create a new, blank workspace
~+workspace/display~ Display open workspaces in the mode-line
~+workspace/load~ Load a saved workspace into the current session
~+workspace/restore-last-session~ Restore last session
~+workspace/rename~ Rename the current workspace
~+workspace/save~ Save the current workspace to a file
~+workspace/switch-to~ Switch to an open workspace
~+workspace/other~ Switch to last workspace
~+workspace/switch-left~ Switch to previous workspace
~+workspace/switch-right~ Switch to next workspace
~+workspace/delete~ Delete the current workspace
~+workspace/kill-session~ Clears the current session (kills all windows and buffers)