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Refactor content to its own namespaceλ︎

Create a new namespace called clojurebridge-landing-page.content in the file src/clojurebridge_landing_page/content.cljs

Move all function definitions, except landing-page from the content section to the new file for the namespace.

Require the content namespaceλ︎

Edit the the file src/clojurebridge_landing_page/core.cljs.

Update the clojurebridge-landing-page.core namespace to require the new clojurebridge-landing-page.content namespace

The content namespace should be given the alias content

(ns ^:figwheel-hooks clojurebridge-london-landing-page.core
   [goog.dom :as gdom]
   [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
   [clojurebridge-landing-page.content :as content]))

Add the alias to the function callsλ︎

The landing page represents the order in which content sections are organised.

level-separator provides a named separation between each component. The name is used by the navigation bar on the web page to jump to a specific content section on the page.

Using the name on the separator ensures the top of the content section is not displayed under the navigation bar

(defn landing-page []
   [content/sponsor-current (get-in @app-state [:sponsors :current])]
   (content/level-separator "overview")
   (content/level-separator "showcase")
   (content/level-separator "learning-paths")
   (content/level-separator "install")
   (content/level-separator "schedule")
   (content/level-separator "resources")
   (content/level-separator "coaches")
   (content/level-separator "sponsors")

The landing page should continue to work as before. If not, ensure all files are saved and check if figwheel is showing errors on the bottom of the landing page.