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Most common wordλ︎

In this challenge we would like you to find the most used word in a book. The word should not be part of the common English words (i.e. the, a, i, is).

This functionality is useful for generating word maps or identifying patterns across data sets.

word map

Copyright free books for use are available via Project Guttenburg, e.g. “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde.

Suggested approachλ︎

A suggested approach to find the most common word:

  • Pull the content of the book into a collection
  • Use a regular expression to create a collection of individual words - eg. #”[a-zA-Z0-9|’]+”
  • Remove the common English words used in the book
  • Convert all the words to lower case so they match with common words source
  • Count the occurrences of the remaining words (eg. each word is associated with the number of times it appears in the book)
  • Sort the words by the number of the occurrences
  • Reverse the collection so the most commonly used word is shown first

Create a projectλ︎

Pracitcalli Clojure CLI Config provides the :project/create alias to create projects using deps-new project.

clojure -T:project/create :template app :name practicalli/common-words

Get the book contentsλ︎

clojure.core/slurp will read in a local file or a remote resource (file, web page, etc) and return a single string of the contents.

(slurp "")

Wrap the slurp expression in a def to bind a name to the book.

(def being-earnest (slurp ""))

Project Gutenberg now compresses the books with GZip, so a stream can be created to read the file and decompress it. Then slurp is used to read in the uncompressed text of the book into a string.

(def being-earnest
  (with-open [uncompress-text (
    (slurp uncompress-text)))

## Individual words from the book

The book contents should be broken down into individual words.

A regular expression can be used to identify word boundaries, especially where there are apostrophes and other characters.

`clojure.core/re-seq` returns a new lazy sequence containing the successive matches of a pattern from a given string.  So given a sentence

Using `re-seq` to convert the first sentence of the `being-earnest` book using a regex word boundary pattern, `\w+`.

(re-seq #"\w+" "Morning-room in Algernon's flat in Half-Moon Street.")

;; => ("Morning" "room" "in" "Algernon" "s" "flat" "in" "Half" "Moon" "Street")

The result is a sequence of the individual words, however, the hyphenated words and the apostrophes have been split into separate words.

Extending the regex pattern the results can be refined.

(re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" "Morning-room in Algernon's flat in Half-Moon Street.")

;; => ("Morning-room in Algernon's flat in Half-Moon Street")
(re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" being-earnest)

The #"[\w|'-]+" is the same pattern as the more explicit pattern #"[a-zA-Z0-9|'-]+"

Removing common English wordsλ︎

In any book the most common word its highly likely to be a common English word (the, a, and, etc.). To make the most common word in any book more specific, the common English words should be removed.

common-english-words.csv contains comma separate words.

Using slurp and a regular expression the individual words can be extracted into a collection.

Rather than re-seq the clojure.string/split can be used. This is a more specific function for splitting a string using a regular expression pattern, in this case the pattern for a comma, #",".

 (clojure.string/split (slurp "common-english-words.csv") #",")

An additional step is to place the common English words into a Clojure set, a data structure which contains a unique set of values.

 (set (clojure.string/split (slurp "common-english-words.csv") #","))

The advantage of using a set for the common English words is that the data structure can be used as a predicate to remove matching words. So a common English words set can be used to remove the common English words from being-earnest book.

Define a name for the common English words set.

(def common-english-words (set (clojure.string/split (slurp "common-english-words.csv") #",")))

This can also be written using the threading macro, to show the sequential nature of the data transformation.

(def common-english-words
  (-> (slurp "common-english-words.csv")
      (clojure.string/split #",")

The common-english-words set can now be used with the being-earnest book.

(remove common-english-words (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" being-earnest))

Counting Occurrencesλ︎

clojure.core/frequencies takes a collection and returns a map where the keys are the unique elements from the collection and the value for each key is the number of times that element occurred in the collection.

(filter (remove common-english-words (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" being-earnest)))

The resulting hash-map is not in any order. clojure.core/sort-by will return the same results but sorted by a given function. To sort a hash-map the key and val functions are function that will sort by key and value respectively. As it is the value that has the number of occurrences, then val is the function to use.

(sort-by val (filter (remove common-english-words (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" being-earnest))))

The result is sorted from smallest to largest value. The result could be reversed using clojure.core/reverse or by supplying an extra function to the sort-by expression. Using greater-than, > the result will be returned in descending order.

(sort-by val dec (filter (remove common-english-words (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" being-earnest))))

Assembling the most-common-word functionλ︎

Define a function called most-common-word that assembles all the previous steps. The function should take all the values it needs for the calculation as arguments, creating a pure function without side effects.

(defn most-common-word
  [book common-words]
  (sort-by val >
      (remove common-words
        (map #(clojure.string/lower-case %)
             (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" book))))))

This may seem a little hard to parse, so the function definition can be re-written using a threading macro.

(defn most-common-word
  [book common-words]
  (->> book
       (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+" ,,,)
       (map #(clojure.string/lower-case %))
       (remove common-words)
       (sort-by val >)))

Call this function with the being-earnest book and the common-english-words

(most-common-word being-earnest common-english-words)

Running from the command lineλ︎

Update the code to take the book reference from the command line.

Remove the def that hard-coded the being-earnest book.

In the most-common-word wrap the book with slurp to read the book reference in and convert it to a string, to be processed by the rest of the expressions.

Add a -main function that takes a reference for the source of the book and the source of the common words.

(ns practicalli.common-word)

(defn decode-book
    [uncompress-text (
                      ( book-gzip))]
    (slurp uncompress-text)))

(defn common-words
  (-> (slurp csv)
      (clojure.string/split #",")

(defn most-common-word
  [book-gzip common-words]
  (->> (decode book-gzip)
       (re-seq #"[\w|'-]+")
       (map #(clojure.string/lower-case %))
       (remove common-words)
       (sort-by val >)))

(defn -main
  [book-gzip common-word-csv]
  (most-common-word book-gzip (common-words common-word-csv)))

Now call the code on the command line.

clojure -m practicalli.common-word "" "common-english-words.csv"