Accessing hash-mapsλ︎
The values in a hash-map can be accessed in multiple ways
- using hash-map as a function
- use :keyword as a function
- threading hash-map through one or more keys
Clojure provides a get function that returns the value mapped to a key in a set or map.
get and get-in functionsλ︎
is a very explicitly named function that makes its purpose very clear. The get
function works regardless of the type of keys used in the hash-map.
(get map key)
has the same quality, for use with nested hash-maps.
Hint::missing or incorrect keyλ︎
If the key in the path is missing or the path is missing (or nil) then
will return more of the hash-map than expected.
(get-in {"timestamp" 1291578985220 "scores" {"FSU" 31 "UF" 7}} ["scores" "FSU"])
;;=> 31
(get-in {"timestamp" 1291578985220 "scores" {"FSU" 31 "UF" 7}} ["scores"])
;;=> {"FSU" 31, "UF" 7}
(get-in {"timestamp" 1291578985220 "scores" {"FSU" 31 "UF" 7}} [])
;;=> {"timestamp" 1291578985220, "scores" {"FSU" 31, "UF" 7}}
(get-in {"timestamp" 1291578985220 "scores" {"FSU" 31 "UF" 7}} nil)
;;=> {"timestamp" 1291578985220, "scores" {"FSU" 31, "UF" 7}}
Using hash-map as a functionλ︎
A hash-map (and list, vector, set) can be called as a function with a key as the argument. This provides a more terse expression than using get
and also works irrespective of key types used.
Passing the key :star-wars
to the hash-map returns the value associated with that key
A nested hash-map (containing other hash-maps) can be accessed via multiple nested calls to the returned values.
keyword key as a functionλ︎
A keyword can be called as a function, taking a hash-map as an argument
A nested hash-map (containing other hash-maps) can be accessed via multiple nested calls to the returned values.
Threading macroλ︎
Using keyword keys as functions, the thread macros provide a consistent approach to accessing hash-map data
The hash-map is passed through one or more keyword keys, so obtaining values from a flat or nested hash-map is just the same.
If the keys are a type other than keywords, then a get function would be required for accessing the hash-map.
As part of a processing pipeline, taking specific values from a JSON file of association football match statistics
Checking a key or value exists in a hash-mapλ︎
function will return a collection of the keys contained in a map. vals
returns a collection of the values
is in a map or set. In general I use the value returned from a map or set to determine if a key exists - the following snippet uses that pattern.
Check if a key has a specific value
Check a key has a specific value and also use that value
TODO: is this a good case for if-lets
This pattern fails if the value of :key is nil.
contains? and someλ︎
checks for the index of a collection. The index of a hash-map is the keys it contains
will check for a value in a collection
(def recipe-map {:ingredients "tofu"})
(contains? recipe-map :ingredients)
;; => true
(some #{"tofu"} recipe-map)
;; => nil
(vals recipe-map)
;; => ("tofu")
(some #{"tofu"} (vals recipe-map))
;; => "tofu"
The key is contained as part of the hash-map index, irrespective of the value associated with that key (so long as there is a legal value associate with the key).