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Write failing testsλ︎

In Test Driven Development style, first write unit tests for the banking functions.

Edit the src/practicalli/banking_on_clojure_test.clj and add deftest tests

(deftest register-account-holder-test
  (testing "Basic registration - happy path"
    (is (= (set (keys (register-account-holder {})))
           (set (keys {:account-id "123" :customer-name "Jenny Jetpack"}))))))

Write a function stub to run the testsλ︎

The tests cannot run unless they call the function to be tested. A common approach it to write a function that returns the argument.

(defn register-account-holder
  "Register a new customer with the bank
  - hash-map of customer-details
  - hash-map of an account-holder (adds account id)"



Add mock dataλ︎

Define some initial mock data to use with the unit tests

(def customer-mock
  {:first-name          "Jenny"
   :last-name           "Jetpack"
   :email-address       ""
   :residential-address "42 meaning of life street, Earth"
   :postal-code         "AB3 0EF"
   :social-security-id  "123456789"})
account is a customer with a bank account id added

(def account-holder-mock
  {:account-id           #uuid "97bda55b-6175-4c39-9e04-7c0205c709dc"
   :first-name          "Jenny"
   :last-name           "Jetpack"
   :email-address       ""
   :residential-address "42 meaning of life street, Earth"
   :postal-code         "AB3 0EF"
   :social-security-id  "123456789"})

Update the test to use the mock data.

(deftest register-account-holder-test
  (testing "Basic registration - happy path"
    (is (= (set (keys (register-account-holder customer-mock)))
           (set (keys account-holder-mock))))))