Spec project: Bank Accountλ︎
A relatively simple bank account application with data and function specifications, including generative testing data and function instrumentation.
Hint::Under active developmentλ︎
Developed as part of the Practicalli study guide live broadcasts
Create deps.edn projectλ︎
Use Clojure CLI and clj-new
Hint::practicalli/banking-on-clojure repositoryλ︎
practicalli/banking-on-clojure repository contains the latest code to date for this project.
Outline design of projectλ︎
Data Specifications are created for
- Customer Details ✔
- Account holder ✔
- Bank account
- Multiple Bank accounts
- Credit Card
- Mortgage
Functions and specifications are created for
- register-account-holder ✔
- open-credit-account
- open-savings-account
- open-credit-card-account
- open-mortgage-account
- Make a payment
- Send account notification
- Check for overdraft
Development Workflowλ︎
- Write a failing test ✔
- write mock data ✔
- write an function definition that returns the argument ✔
- run tests - tests should fail ✔
- write a spec for the functions argument - customer ✔
- write a spec for the return value ✔
- write a spec for relationship between args and return value
- replace the mock data with generated values from specification ✔
- update functions and make tests pass ✔
- instrument functions
- run specification checks
Images to add
Running tests that fail on a spec in CIDER spacemacs-cider-test-spec-fail-banking-on-clojure-project.png
Running tests that fail on a spec on CircleCI circle-ci-banking-on-clojure-spec-test-runner-fail-register-account-holder-did-not-conform-to-spec.png