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Shared REPL serverλ︎

Create a remote serve

Define how to create a suitable remote server on AWS, Google, etc.

Switch off Server when done

Dont forget to switch the server off when not in use to avoid additional costs

Install Clojureλ︎

Use the Getting Started instructions to download Clojure for Linux and run the install script. This installs clojure command system wide (/usr/local/bin/) along with the clj wapper that runs a terminal REPL using rlwrap (TODO: check rlwrap is installed).

Use a range of community tools by installing the practicalli/clojure-deps-edn configuration (first deleting the ~/.clojure directory if it exists - create if you run clojure or clj for the first time)

git clone ~/.config/clojure/

Created a new project on the remote server using a Clojure project templates. For example a simple command line application

clojure -X:project/create :template app :name practicalli/science-is-fun

Run REPL with nREPL serverλ︎

Start a REPL process with an nREPL server to connect a Clojure aware editor.

The REPL process can be started with a rich terminal UI if actively using the REPL prompt. Or as a simple prompt with only command history or even as a headless process.

Run a feature rich terminal REPL using the :repl/rebel alias from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

clojure -M:repl/rebel

Run a non-interactive 'headless' REPL process if all the interaction is to be done via a Clojure aware editor

Use the :repl/headless alias from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

clojure -M:repl/headless

Run the REPL process with the simple prompt provided with Clojure CLI if resources are very constrained. The clj wrapper requires rlwrap binary to be available on the operating system execution path


Configure SSH connectionλ︎

Generate a permissions file, .pem from the server (TODO: how to generate .pem files) and save it to ~/.ssh/ directory (or your preferred location).

Edit the ~/.ssh/config file (create the file if needed) and add a host configuration for the remote server.

Add the IP address of the remote server to HostName.

Use the LocalForward for the port used by the nREPL server.

Host remote-clojure-server
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/remote-server.pem
  User ubuntu
  PasswordAuthentication yes
  LocalForward 1234 localhost:1234
  Port 22

Start REPL with Editor supportλ︎

The majority of Clojure aware editors can connect to an external REPL using the nREPL protocol. Emacs CIDER, VSCode Calva and NeoVim Conjure all use nREPL and the Cider middleware.

The :middleware/cider-clj will inject the nREPL and Cider middleware libraries.

SSH into the remote server.

Change to a Clojure project

Start the REPL using the cider middleware on the same port as defined in LocalForward in the SSH configuration, using the -p to set the port number.

clojure -M:middleware/cider-clj -p 1234

Configure Emacsλ︎

Emacs can be used to connect to a running Clojure project that has been run with the nREPL and Cider middleware, e.g. :middleware/cider-clj from practicalli/clojure-deps-edn

Edit your Emacs ~/.emacs.d/init.el file and add the following configuration.

For Spacemacs, edit ~/.spacemacs and add the following code to dotspacemacs/user-config

(setq nrepl-use-ssh-fallback-for-remote-hosts t)

NeoVim Conjure on remote serverλ︎

NeoVim and Conjure are installed on the remote server using the Practicalli install guide.

Conjure will automatically connect to a running REPL

Conjure uses .nrepl-port

Conjure looks for the .nrepl-port in the root of the project. If this file is not created when running the REPL, create the file and use the same value as LocalForward from the SSH configuration.

Apache HTTPd server reverse proxyλ︎

Use a reverse proxy if you wish to expose visualizations via a browser, such as Oz or notespace.

ssh into the remote server with an account that has sudo privileges

Enable the reverse proxy module mod_proxy_http which has a dependency on mod_proxy and is also enabled automatically.

sudo a2enmod proxy_http
Modules are part of the Ubuntu Apache install

Proxy modules are already part of the Apache2 package install on Ubuntu, so additional package install is not required

Create a new configuration by copying the /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/reverse-proxy.conf. This ensures you have a working backup if the configuration breaks or you wish to quickly switch back to a non-proxy configuration.

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/reverse-proxy.conf and add the following configuration inside the VirtualHost directive

     ProxyRequests Off
     ProxyPass "/" "http://localhost:8080/"
     ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:8080/"

sudo a2ensite reverse-proxy to enable the reverse-proxy configuration, which adds a symbolic link in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory (all configurations in this directory are included via /etc/apache2/apache2.conf)

Disable the other sites so that they do not over-ride the reverse proxy configuraion. This simply removes the symbolic link from sites-enabled directory, their configuration is still in the sites-available directory.

sudo a2dissite scicloj
sudo a2dissite 000-default

sudo systemctl restart apache2 to restart apache http server with the reverse proxy configuration

To use a number of projects or visualisation tools, update the /etc/apache2/sites-available/reverse-proxy.conf and add more ProxyPass and ProxyReverse directives

     ProxyPass "/oz" "http://localhost:8080/"
     ProxyPassReverse "/oz" "http://localhost:8080/"

     ProxyPass "/notespace" "http://localhost:8181/"
     ProxyPassReverse "/notespace" "http://localhost:8181/"

Oz only working on /

Using the reverse proxy configuration so far, Oz will only render the server page and not the views. It is assumed that this is because of web sockets and will need to enable the mod proxy module for websockets too.
