Docker provides a relatively straightforward container service and had a very wide range of pre-made container images.
Docker works best on Linux, although should run on MacOSX and Windows, perhaps with a bit of encouragement.
Docker images can be pulled onto a local development environment and used or customised as needed.
Docker composeλ︎
Deploy applications on Amazon ECS using Docker Compose
Building Apps Locallyλ︎
Leiningen projectλ︎
FROM clojure:openjdk-8-lein-slim-buster
RUN apt-get update
COPY project.clj .
# We need to fetch all dependencies as otherwise the `lein compile` command will download them anyway
RUN lein with-profile dev deps
RUN lein with-profile test deps
COPY . .
RUN lein compile
CMD lein with-profile prod run -m