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Cider Jack-inλ︎

, ' or , m s (sesman-start) and select a cider-jack-in command to start a REPL process

Cider Jack-in will start a new REPL process and automatically connect to that process from the editor.

Jack-in will call either the clojure or lein command to start the REPL process, based on what project configuration files are found (project.clj for Leiningen and deps.edn for Clojure CLI) in the root of the current project. A prompt is displayed if there are multiple project configuration files to choose from.

Jack-in ensures the REPL process is started with the libraries and middleware required by CIDER. Then the rest of the jack-in process is the same as connect, but done so automatically.

Jack-in Configurationλ︎

Space u , m s opens the jack-in command in the minibuffer which can be edited to customise how the Clojure REPL process starts, e.g. adding Clojure CLI aliases to include libraries and tools for development.

Clojure CLI aliases are added between the -M execution flag and the :cider/nrepl alias name.

Spacemacs Clojure - Edit cider-jack-in command to add Clojure CLI aliases Spacemacs Clojure - Edit cider-jack-in command to add Clojure CLI aliases

Deconstruct jack-in commandλ︎

cider-jack-in commands include the dependencies to start a REPL process which the Emacs Cider process can connect to, using nREPL.

-Sdeps adds the required library dependencies to start an nREPL server (nrepl/nrepl) and connect to that nREPL server from Cider (cider/cider-nrepl).

:aliases defines the :cider/nrepl alias, defining that the clojure command should run nrepl.commandline/-main to start an nREPL server process, along with the Cider middleware to connect to that nREPL server process

Adding aliasesλ︎

Aliases can be used from the project or the user deps.edn file, e.g Practicalli CLI Config

:extra-paths and :extra-deps configuration in aliases is used by the Cider jack-in command line.

:main-opts entries in aliases are ignored when :cider/nrepl is kept as last alias in the chain.

No aliases after :cider/nrepl

Placing aliases after :cider/nrepl will prevent cider-jack-in working correctly (or at all), unless the last alias in the chain also includes the same libraries and configuration as the :cider/nrepl alias

Configure REPL startupλ︎

Cider variables can be used to customize the REPL startup via a .dir-locals.el file in the root of the Clojure project.

SPC p e creates or opens a .dir-locals.el file in the root of the project. A helm prompt also allows for adding entries into the file.

Add the :env/test alias to cider-clojure-cli-aliases and the paths and libraries defined aliases will always be included when running a REPL from Spacemacs

((clojure-mode . ((cider-clojure-cli-aliases . ":env/test"))))
Add Alias names only

Execution flags, -M,-P,-T,-X,-A are automatically removed from the cider-clojure-cli-aliases value by the Cider jack-in code.

The previously used variable cider-clojure-cli-global-options is deprecated and may cause issues with cider-jack-in that prevent the REPL from starting.

Custom user namespace for more REPL customisation

A user namespace allows for further customisation of the REPL startup

Multiple project configuration filesλ︎

If both a project.clj file and a deps.edn file exist in the root of a project, Cider jack-in will prompt for the command to use

Use a .dir-locals.el file to set the command that Cider jack-in will use each time

((clojure-mode (cider-preferred-build-tool . clojure-cli)))
((clojure-mode (cider-preferred-build-tool . lein)))

Common REPL start / restart keybindingsλ︎

Key bindings Command
, ' or , m s start a REPL, selecting the type (sesman-start)
, m b browse active REPL's (sesman-browse)
, m i show information about the current REPL (sesman-info)
, m q r restart the REPL, quit and jack-in. (sesman-restart)
, m q q quit the REPL (sesman-quit)
, m n refresh stale code and load new code into the REPL (cider-ns-refresh)
, m N force reload the current namespaces in the REPL (cider-ns-reload)