Automatic reloading with wrap-reload middlewareλ︎
is a ring middleware function that will push all our code changes to the application each time we save.
Note:: Include wrap-reload in the namespace of our projectλ︎
Require the
directly into the namespace
Define a function to use wrap-reloadλ︎
A function called -dev-main
will run the reloading web server when we are developing, ensuring we only use the wrap-reload
function during development.
Note:: Create a
function is the same as-main
, except we use thewrap-reload
middleware around thewelcome
function. Each time you change thewelcome
function definition it will be reloaded.Using the quote reader macro, #' in front of the
function name tells Clojure to skip evaluation of the function and reference the name of the function instead. This allows thewrap-reload
middleware to decide when to evaluate thewelcome
function.(defn -dev-main "A very simple web server using Ring & Jetty, called via the development profile of Leiningen which reloads code changes using ring middleware wrap-reload" [port-number] (webserver/run-jetty (wrap-reload #'welcome) {:port (Integer. port-number) :join? false}))
Note::Tweak the
function for productionλ︎The
function is typically called on the command line when run in production, so we want to be connected to the output of the webserver.Remove the
:join? false
option for the embedded Jetty server, so the output of the server is displayed
Configure the dev profile in your projectλ︎
When you start your Clojure webapp with lein run
it looks for main class to run in the :dev
profile first. So we need to create a :dev
profile that sets -dev-main
to be the starting point of our application. This
Note::Add profile to project configurationλ︎
Edit the
and create a:dev
profile to define the initial function to call when starting our webapp.
The project.clj
file should look like the following:
(defproject todo-list "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A Todo List server-side webapp using Ring & Compojure"
:url ""
:license {:name "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[ring "1.8.0"]]
:repl-options {:init-ns todo-list.core}
:main todo-list.core
:profiles {:dev
{:main todo-list.core/-dev-main}})