Base routesλ︎
Note:: Create a new file called
and move all the handler code into this file fromsrc/todo_list/core
. Make sure you also move thehiccup
libraries into the newhandlers
should look as follows:
(ns todo-list.handlers
(defn welcome
"A ring handler to respond with a simple welcome message"
(html [:h1 "Hello, Clojure World"]
[:p "Welcome to your first Clojure app, I now update automatically"]))
(defn goodbye
"A song to wish you goodbye"
(html5 {:lang "en"}
[:head (include-js "myscript.js") (include-css "mystyle.css")]
[:div [:h1 {:class "info"} "Walking back to happiness"]]
[:div [:p "Walking back to happiness with you"]]
[:div [:p "Said, Farewell to loneliness I knew"]]
[:div [:p "Laid aside foolish pride"]]
[:div [:p "Learnt the truth from tears I cried"]]]))
(defn about
"Information about the website developer"
(html [:h1 "About the Website"]
[:p "I am an awesome Clojure developer, well getting there... trying some Hiccup now"]))
(defn hello
"A simple personalised greeting showing the use of variable path elements"
(let [name (get-in request [:route-params :name])]
{:status 200
:body (str "Hello " name ". I got your name from the web URL")
:headers {}}))
(def operands {"+" + "-" - "*" * ":" /})
(defn calculator
"A very simple calculator that can add, divide, subtract and multiply. This is done through the magic of variable path elements."
(let [a (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :a]))
b (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :b]))
op (get-in request [:route-params :op])
f (get operands op)]
(if f
{:status 200
:body (str "<h1>Result = " (f a b) "</h1>")
:headers {}}
{:status 404
:body "Sorry, unknown operator. I only recognise + - * : (: is for division)"
:headers {}})))
(defn trying-hiccup
(html5 {:lang "en"}
[:head (include-js "myscript.js") (include-css "mystyle.css")]
[:div [:h1 {:class "info"} "This is Hiccup"]]
[:div [:p "Take a look at the HTML generated in this page, compared to the about page"]]
[:div [:p "Style-wise there is no difference between the pages as we haven't added anything in the stylesheet, however the hiccup page generates a more complete page in terms of HTML"]]]))