How to use Lobos with Herokuλ︎
Lobos is a Clojure library to create and alter tables which also supports migrations similar to what Rails can do. I like where Lobos is going but it’s a work in progress, so the information here might be out of date soon, beware!
Let’s imagine a project called px (for Project X of course) with the usual Leiningen structure. In the src directory you you need to create a lobos directory and inside there let’s get started with config.clj which contains the credentials and other database information:
(ns lobos.config)
(def db
{:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:subname "//localhost:5432/px"})
then we create a simple migration in lobos/migrations.clj that creates the users table:
(ns lobos.migrations
(:refer-clojure :exclude [alter defonce drop bigint boolean char double float time])
(:use (lobos [migration :only [defmigration]] core schema) lobos.config))
(defmigration create-users
(up [] (create (table :users
(integer :id :primary-key)
(varchar :email 256 :unique))))
(down [] (drop (table :users))))
You run a REPL, load the migrations and run them (using the joyful Clojure example code convention):
(require 'lobos.migrations)
;=> nil
;=> java.lang.Exception: No such global connection currently open: :default-connection, only got [] (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
and you get an error because you didn’t open the connection yet, so, let’s do that:
(require 'lobos.connectivity)
;=> nil
(lobos.connectivity/open-global lobos.config/db)
;=> {:default-connection {:connection #<Jdbc4Connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2ab600af>, :db-spec {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver", :subprotocol "postgresql", :subname "//localhost:5432/px"}}}
and now it works:
and you can also rollback:
You might be tempted to open the global connection in your config.clj and that might be fine for some, but I found it problematic that the second time I load the file, I get an error: “java.lang.Exception: A global connection by that name already exists (:default-connection) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)”.
My solution was to write a function called open-global-when-necessary that will open a global connection only when there’s none or when the database specification changed, and will close the previous connection in that case, leaving a config.clj that looks like:
(ns lobos.config
(:require lobos.connectivity))
(defn open-global-when-necessary
"Open a global connection only when necessary, that is, when no previous
connection exist or when db-spec is different to the current global
;; If the connection credentials has changed, close the connection.
(when (and (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)
(not= (:db-spec (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)) db-spec))
;; Open a new connection or return the existing one.
(if (nil? (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection))
((lobos.connectivity/open-global db-spec) :default-connection)
(@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)))
(def db
{:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:subname "//localhost:5432/px"})
(open-global-when-necessary db)
That works fine locally, so let’s move to Heroku. To get started with Clojure on Heroku I recommend you read:
Getting Started With Clojure on Heroku/Cedar
Building a Database-Backed Clojure Web Application
I took the code used to extract the database specification from DATABASE_URL but I modified it so I don’t depend on that environment variable existing on my local computer and I ended up with the following config.clj:
(ns lobos.config
(:require [clojure.string :as str] lobos.connectivity)
(:import ( URI)))
(defn heroku-db
"Generate the db map according to Heroku environment when available."
(when (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL")
(let [url (URI. (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL"))
host (.getHost url)
port (if (pos? (.getPort url)) (.getPort url) 5432)
path (.getPath url)]
{:subname (str "//" host ":" port path)}
(when-let [user-info (.getUserInfo url)]
{:user (first (str/split user-info #":"))
:password (second (str/split user-info #":"))})))))
(defn open-global-when-necessary
"Open a global connection only when necessary, that is, when no previous
connection exist or when db-spec is different to the current global
;; If the connection credentials has changed, close the connection.
(when (and (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)
(not= (:db-spec (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)) db-spec))
;; Open a new connection or return the existing one.
(if (nil? (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection))
((lobos.connectivity/open-global db-spec) :default-connection)
(@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)))
(def db
(merge {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:subname "//localhost:5432/px"}
(open-global-when-necessary db)
After you push to Heroku, you can run heroku run lein repl, load lobos.config and run the migrations just as if they were local.