Update project detailsλ︎
Adding project details to the project.clj
file helps every developer that works with the code to have a basic understanding of the projects purpose.
Note::Update project detailsλ︎
Edit the
file and make the following changes.
- Add a description
- Add the URL of the project, eg. the github repository
- Update the licence (optional)
- Update the dependencies to the latest Clojure version
The project.clj file for Practicalli projects is as follows:
(defproject todo-list "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "A Todo List server-side webapp using Ring & Compojure" :url "https://github.com/practicalli/clojure-todo-list-example" :license {:name "Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International" :url "https://creativecommons.org"} :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]] :repl-options {:init-ns todo-list.core})
Licence changeλ︎
All code by Practicalli is under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike.
As well as changing the project.clj
file :licence
declaration, the LICENCE
file created by the Leiningen template has been deleted as it refers to another licence.