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Define a Database Connectionλ︎

Hint::Outdated: Use next.jdbc approachλ︎

next.jdbc provides a simple way to connect to a range of databases

Heroku provides a way to generate the connection string. The Heroku build process sets an environment variable called JDBC_DATABASE_URL which can be used with next.jdbc.

Outdated - under reviewλ︎

View the Database_URL configuration variable for the Heroku Database and define a name to represent that in Clojure

Use the Heroku Toolbelt to view the configuration variables

heroku config

Edit the file src/todo_list/core.clj file and add the following definition towards the top of the file. Substitute your own database connection values for :subname, user and password.

(def postgres {:subprotocol "postgresql"
               :subname "//"
               :user "username"
               :password "password"
               :ssl true
               :sslmode true
               :sslfactory "org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory"})

Breaking down the Heroku Postgres connection string into a map allows us to easily add options to the connection string whilst keeping it readable.

Also, a JDBC connection string has a slightly different form to the Heroku string. Heroku Posgres creates a configuration variable in the form of postgres://[user]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[database] whereas the JDBC connection string is of the form `jdbc:postgres://[host]:[port]/[database]?user=[user]&password=[pass]

JDBC connection string for Heroku Postgresλ︎


Converting the map back to a JDBC connection string

(defn remote-heroku-db-spec [host port database username password]
  {:connection-uri (str "jdbc:postgresql://" host ":" port "/" database "?user=" username "&password=" password "&ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory")})

From Herokuλ︎

JDBC_DATABASE_URL environment variable should be used for the Heroku database connection

The DATABASE_URL environment variable from the Heroku Postgres add-on follows this naming convention:


However the Postgres JDBC driver uses the following convention:


Notice the additional ql at the end of jdbc:postgresql.