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Show request infoλ︎

We can see the details of the requests being send to our Clojure webapp by looking at the request object.

request-info routeλ︎

Add a request-info route and handler to view the request information

(defn request-info
  "View the information contained in the request, useful for debugging"
  {:status 200
   :body (pr-str request)
   :headers {}})

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] welcome)
  (GET "/goodbye" [] goodbye)
  (GET "/about" [] about)
  (GET "/request-info" [] request-info)
  (not-found "<h1>This is not the page you are looking for</h1> <p>Sorry, the page you requested was not found!</p>"))

Visit http://localhost:8000/request-info to see the results.

Output of the request

Using Compojure request dump functionλ︎

Compojure has a request dump function that gives a much nicer output than our initial request-info function. The dump function also separates the default response keys with any additional keys provided by the URL.

Include handle-dump in the namespaceλ︎

(ns webdev.core
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
            [ring.middleware.reload :refer [wrap-reload]]
            [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
            [compojure.route :refer [not-found]]
            [ring.handler.dump :refer [handle-dump]]))

Remove request-info functionλ︎

Delete the request-info function we defined previously and update the /request-info route to use handle-dump as the handler

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] welcome)
  (GET "/goodbye" [] goodbye)
  (GET "/about" [] about)
  (GET "/request-info" [] handle-dump)
  (not-found "<h1>This is not the page you are looking for</h1> <p>Sorry, the page you requested was not found!</p>"))

Now the output is much nicer http://localhost:8000/request-info

Clojure Web Services - compojure request-dump output