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Notespace - data science journalλ︎

Notespace generates a data science journal from a Clojure namespace, to give a simple to use literate programming experience.

The notespace introduction shows how to create a Clojure namespace into a notespace. Clojure values, generative functions, markdown and graphics are defined using notespace.kinds as meta-data on Clojure expressions in the namespace.

Run notespace listening to all changes, or just show a particular view (useful for large notespace) or even just update a line.

Example project with notespaceλ︎

Use the example Notespace project which contains simple examples and also launches an empty notespace webpage and Portal data inspector window on REPL startup.

Start a REPL for the project with Leiningen or Clojure CLI tools (version or greater and aliases from practicalli/clojure-deps-edn)

lein repl

clojure -M:env/dev:inspect/portal

Wait a few seconds for the Portal and Notespace pages to load into your browser.

Evaluate the (notespace/listen) expression and the current namespace is loaded into the Notespace page. If the Notespace page stops updating, evaluate this expression again.

Wrap values and function calls with the tap> function to see the values in the Portal window.

Hint::Emacs support - Clojure CLI toolsλ︎

the example Notespace project contains a .dir-locals.el file for Clojure CLI tools, using the :env/dev and :inspect/portal-cli aliases from practicalli/clojure-deps-edn user level configuration.

When running cider-jack-in the aliases are automatically added to jack-in startup command.