Clojure Command Line Interface (CLI) tools provide a fast way for developers to get started with Clojure and simplify an already pretty simple experience. With tools.deps it also provides a more flexible approach to including libraries, including the use of code from a specific commit in a Git repository.
Newer content can be found in Using Clojure tools section of Practicalli Clojure
Practicalli Clojure 35 - Clojure CLI tools - an introduction is a video of a live broadcast of this content (inclucing typos)
Continue reading →Testing Klipse Integration
A simple article to test the klipse integration
Lets do some simple Clojure code
Continue reading →Quick Start Guide
This intro only documents a subset of Cryogen's features. For additional documentation please see the cryogen site.
- Blog posts and pages with Markdown (default) or AsciiDoc
- Tags
- Table of contents generation
- Plain HTML page templates
- Code syntax highlighting
- Disqus support
- Sitemap generation
- RSS feed generation
- Sass/SCSS compilation
- Klipse Integration
Yet Another Post
This Post So Fetch
some more stuff happened
Continue reading →A Post
This Post Not Fetch Enough
some stuff happened
Continue reading →Stop trying to make fetch happen.