re:Clojure was a rapidly assembled conference created by several of the London Clojurian community members, after the closing of SkillsMatter who for 8 years ran an a Clojure conference in London. Luckily many of the speakers were available to talk at the this new conference and several members of the community made it all happen, with the help of lots of wonderful sponsors
All the talks were recorded and videos will be published soon, so subscribe to the re:Cojure YouTube channel and be notified when they are available.
Here are some of my highlights from the re:Clojure conference.
Continue reading →Advent of Code is the annual coding challenge with a festive theme. Each day there is a new challenge in two parts, the first fairly easy the second a little more involved. The challenges are an investment of your time to complete them all, although even trying just a few is enough to help you think in different ways.
Every programming language requires regular practice to maintain your skills. A full time developer role gives you lots of opportunities to practice every day, however, its often focused in around solving problems within a specific business domain, with little time to explore others. The Advent of Code puts you in a different domain, so its great for extending your coding experiences.
Solving challenges in a different language is another great way to extend your experiences, so here are some tips and examples for solving the advent of code in Clojure.
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The holiday season is know for over indulge, so why not stuff your head full of Clojure and functional programming. Its far healthier than the alternatives :)
To help you indulge, Arne from LambdaIsland, Bobby Towers, Alexander Oloo and I are writing a blog post each day as part of the Advent Of Parens 2019 celebration. Every day we plan to publish a short posts that share tips and experiences with functional programming and Clojure.
Continue reading →When getting results from API calls, its very common to recieve data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
Once we have the JSON data, it is converted to a Clojure data structure to use the hundreds of functions in clojure.core that can readily transform the shape of that data.
We can process this with the library and community projects including cheshire and transit.
Continue reading →Defining routes for a Clojure webapps is easy with the Compojure library and we can also serve JSON to create a simple API. All this is built on the Clojure webserver we built in the previous article.
Compojure has a defroutes
macro that provides a simple way to define routes and there are other convienience functions that make routing very straight forward.
We can also add transit and other libraries to help manage JSON.
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