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Lisp Stateλ︎

Lisp state provides a fast and convenient way to manipulate the structure of your Clojure code whilst keeping it valid, i.e. avoiding unbalanced parenthesis.

SPC k opens the lisp state menu, providing commands for structural editing with Smartparens. Any command will put the current buffer into lisp state, a transient state where you can use single character keybindings for the commands (no need to use SPC k each time).

Repeating Lisp State Commandsλ︎

In Lisp State, as with Evil normal, typing a number before the command will repeat that command. For example

2 s slurp two times, starting from Evil normal state

w 2 s wrap a symbol in parenthesis then slurp two times

Common commandsλ︎

Lisp state SPC k Description
j / k next close paren / previous open paren
l / h next symbol / previous symbol
L / H next expression / previous expression
s / S slurp forward / backward (pull in code from the right / left)
b / B barf forward / backward (push out code to the right / left)
d s / d w / d x delete symbol / word / expression
r raise expression - replace parent expression with current expression

This section provides further examples of the most common lisp state commands. The Spacemacs ABC video also covers examples of Lisp State.

TODO::TODO: Video of Structural editing with Lisp Stateλ︎

Key Bindingsλ︎

Key Binding Function
SPC k % evil jump item
SPC k : ex command
SPC k ( insert expression before (same level as current one)
SPC k ) insert expression after (same level as current one)
SPC k $ go to the end of current sexp
SPC k 0 go to the beginning of current sexp
SPC k a absorb expression
SPC k b forward barf expression
SPC k B backward barf expression
SPC k c convolute expression
SPC k ds delete symbol
SPC k Ds backward delete symbol
SPC k dw delete word
SPC k Dw backward delete word
SPC k dx delete expression
SPC k Dx backward delete expression
SPC k e unwrap current expression and kill all symbols after point
SPC k E unwrap current expression and kill all symbols before point
SPC k h previous symbol
SPC k H go to previous sexp
SPC k i switch to insert state
SPC k I go to beginning of current expression and switch to insert state
SPC k j next closing parenthesis
SPC k J join expression
SPC k k previous opening parenthesis
SPC k l next symbol
SPC k L go to next sexp
SPC k p paste after
SPC k P paste before
SPC k r raise expression (replace parent expression by current one)
SPC k s forward slurp expression
SPC k S backward slurp expression
SPC k t transpose expression
SPC k u undo
SPC k U got to parent sexp backward
SPC k C-r redo
SPC k v switch to =visual state=
SPC k V switch to =visual line state=
SPC k C-v switch to =visual block state=
SPC k w wrap expression with parenthesis
SPC k W unwrap expression
SPC k y copy expression

Hint:: SPC does not activate Spacemacs menuλ︎

In lisp-state the Spacemacs leader key, SPC, is not bound to the Spacemacs menu. M-m can be used to open the Spacemacs menu.
