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Navigate names or symbolsλ︎

# or * enters symbol highlight transient state allowing you to jump between the current symbol name and any other instance in the buffer.

Spacemacs Vim Normal - Symbol highlight transient state

e to start iedit state and edit all the symbols concurrently. This is so amazing.

/ will show a helm popup with all the instances of the symbol through out the project files, a quick way to search a project.

f will show a helm popup with all the instances of the symbol in a specified file.

b will show a helm popup with all the instances of the symbol through out all open buffers (global buffers, so even those in a different layer).

s search a buffer and navigate to each location in code with the matching symbol by scrolling though the results.

SPC s c clears symbol highlighting and search pattern highlighting.


Search a buffer (Clojure namespace) or project and use the results to navigate to the locations in the code for each match found.

Keybindings Description
SPC s C clear helm-swoop own cache
SPC s s execute helm-swoop
SPC s S execute helm-multi-swoop
SPC s C-s execute helm-multi-swoop-all
SPC s p search project

For example, navigate to a function definition and all the places that function is called in a project using helm-multi-swoop.

Helm multi-swoop

Refactor code

Refactor section provides examples of using helm-ag, helm-swoop, iedit, narrowing and clj-refactor.