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Code foldingλ︎

Code folding allows you to collapse a code block onto one line, allowing you to see more of your code in the window. A code block for Clojure includes comments, def, defn and the threading macros -> and -->.

Overview of a namespace

z m shows just the names of all function definitions and vars in a namespace, providing a quick way to review all namespace api.


Evil state Description
z a Toggle fold for current code block
z c Folds a code block
z m Folds all code in buffer
z o Opens current folded code block
z O Opens current folded code block recursively
z r Opens all folded code blocks in the buffer

Code Fold Transient Stateλ︎

Space z opens a transient state for folding code, most useful when reviewing code.

Spacemacs - Zoom - Code Fold transient state

Code folding methodsλ︎

There are two code folding methods, evil folding (the default) and origami. Evil fold is recommended for Clojure development.

Origami adds a recursive open and close and what it calls an org-mode header collapse (didn't seem to work on Clojure code). Origami seems less useful for Clojure than evil-fold, as folding seems to only work at the top level.

Origami allows you to write your own parser to teach different ways to fold code. Origami is a great choice if you want to customise your code folding.

Switching to origami code foldingλ︎

Space f e d to open the Spacemacs configuration file

Space s s dotspacemacs-folding-method to find the code folding setting, Enter to end the search.

Change the code folding method: dotspacemacs-folding-method 'origami

Space q r to restarting Emacs and download the origami package.