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Space T s opens a helm selection menu to select from all available themes

You can select a different theme or cycle through the currently added themes.

Spacemacs Description
Space T n Next theme in list
Space T p Previous theme in list
Space T s Select theme from list (all themes from gallery)
Space T s Ctrl+c Ctrl+f Apply themes when scrolling through the list of names (helm-follow-mode)

Spacemacs Themes menu Spacemacs Themes menu

Adding Themes to Spacemacsλ︎

Themes are set by adding the theme name to the dotspacemacs-themes list. The first theme in the list is loaded when Spacemacs starts.

dotspacemacs-themes '(doom-gruvbox-light

The order of the themes in the list is the order Spacemacs will cycle through those themes, SPC T n for the next theme and SPC T p for the previous theme.

The first time you select a theme it will be automatically downloaded, installed and used. This may take a few seconds to load. There are many themes available for Spacemacs that will change the colours of text, background, etc.

doom-gruvbox and doom-gruvbox-light themes are used for the screenshots in this guide and doom-modeline theme provides an uncluttered Emacs modeline theme.

Spacemacs theme - doom gruvbox light Spacemacs theme - doom gruvbox dark

Original Emacs theme

Add (disable-theme) to dotspacemacs/user-config section of .spacemacs to remove any custom theme and use the Emacs default colors. Or set (dotspacemacs-themes '(default)) in .spacemacs to use a theme similar to the Emacs colors.