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Live lintingλ︎

Clojure LSP includes clj-kondo which provides live static code analysis of Clojure code as its entered into the buffer.

Linting is supported in all Clojure files (.clj, .cljs, .cljc, .edn).

A mark appears in the margin showing line contain code that generates a warning or error. A wavy underscore shows where on the line the issue is. Moving the cursor to the underscore will show a pop-up describing the error.

The total number of errors and warnings are show in in the modeline.

Spacemacs live linting - clj-kondo and modeline errors Spacemacs live linting - clj-kondo and modeline errors

SPC e L opens a window with a buffer containing the list of linting errors for the current file. Navigate between linting errors using j and k. RET to select an error, focusing the cursor in the other buffer on that error

SPC b x to close the buffer and window when you have finished.

Spacemacs - Clojure Linting - flycheck list errors Spacemacs - Clojure Linting - flycheck list errors


Keeping the flycheck buffer open will update as you move to linting errors in the source code buffer.

LSP Peek Errorsλ︎

, G e opens LSP peek popup and shows a full list of errors in the project

Spacemacs - Clojure Linting - flycheck list errors Spacemacs - Clojure Linting - flycheck list errors