Idiomatic code with Kibitλ︎
kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure, ClojureScript, cljx and other Clojure variants. It uses core.logic to search for patterns of code that could be rewritten with a more idiomatic function or macro. For example if kibit finds the code
(defproject project-name "0.0.1"
:description "Eastwood Sample Project"
:license "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
:url ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/Clojure "1.10.1"]]
:plugins [[lein-tar "3.2.0"]
[jonase/eastwood "0.2.4"]
[lein-kibit "0.1.5"]])
lein kibit
in a terminal will run the analysis on your project and output recommendations
At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/db/processors.clj:14:
Consider using:
(update-in podcast [:feed] podcast-service/parse-feed)
instead of:
(assoc podcast :feed (podcast-service/parse-feed (:feed podcast)))
At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/db/processors.clj:30:
Consider using:
(when (not exists?)
(partial notifications/new-episode podcast episode)
instead of:
(if (not exists?)
(partial notifications/new-episode podcast episode)
At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/modules/auth.clj:17:
Consider using:
(if-not (some nil? [item source]) (hashers/check item source) false)
instead of:
(if (not (some nil? [item source])) (hashers/check item source) false)
Kibit will scan your code and check it against idiomatic code patterns (using core.logic
) and recommend how to simplify and reduce your code complexity.
The output excerpt shows two different suggestions: Simplifying an if
to a when
and condensing an if
and not
to an if-not
lein kibit --replace
will fix these issues for you.
lein kibit --replace --interactive
will automatically walk you through each recommendation and ask if want to use it.