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Idiomatic code with Kibitλ︎

kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure, ClojureScript, cljx and other Clojure variants. It uses core.logic to search for patterns of code that could be rewritten with a more idiomatic function or macro. For example if kibit finds the code

(defproject project-name "0.0.1"
  :description "Eastwood Sample Project"
  :license "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
  :url ""
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/Clojure "1.10.1"]]
  :plugins [[lein-tar "3.2.0"]
            [jonase/eastwood "0.2.4"]
            [lein-kibit "0.1.5"]])

lein kibit in a terminal will run the analysis on your project and output recommendations

At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/db/processors.clj:14:
Consider using:
  (update-in podcast [:feed] podcast-service/parse-feed)
instead of:
  (assoc podcast :feed (podcast-service/parse-feed (:feed podcast)))

At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/db/processors.clj:30:
Consider using:
  (when (not exists?)
        (partial notifications/new-episode podcast episode)
instead of:
  (if (not exists?)
        (partial notifications/new-episode podcast episode)

At /Users/brad/Projects/podcasts/app/src/app/modules/auth.clj:17:
Consider using:
  (if-not (some nil? [item source]) (hashers/check item source) false)
instead of:
  (if (not (some nil? [item source])) (hashers/check item source) false)

Kibit will scan your code and check it against idiomatic code patterns (using core.logic) and recommend how to simplify and reduce your code complexity.

The output excerpt shows two different suggestions: Simplifying an if to a when and condensing an if and not to an if-not.

lein kibit --replace will fix these issues for you.

lein kibit --replace --interactive will automatically walk you through each recommendation and ask if want to use it.