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Batch Lintingλ︎

squiggly can be used to provide live linting for Eastwood and kibit, however, squiggly continually reloads your code and can cause issues especially if your code has side effects when continually reloaded.

Eastwood and kibit give a better experience when used in batch mode, either before push commits to a shared repository or with a CD/CI server.

Quick usageλ︎

Eastwood can be run from

Clojure CLIλ︎

Define an alias for the Eastwood library and namespace.

      {:main-opts ["-m" "eastwood.lint" {:source-paths ["src"]}]
       :extra-deps {jonase/eastwood {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}}}

Run Clojure with the eastwood alias to lint your project

clojure -M:lint/eastwood

An example output is as follows:

== Eastwood 0.2.4 Clojure 1.9.0-alpha16 JVM 1.8.0_31
Directories scanned for source files:
  src test
== Linting app.routes.users ==
src/app/routes/users.clj:133:43: suspicious-expression: -> called with 1 args.  (-> x) always returns x.  Perhaps there are misplaced parentheses?
src/app/routes/users.clj:115:3: constant-test: Test expression is always logical true or always logical false: true in form (if true (do (users/update-user-password {:hash (:id params), :pass (:pass params)}) (ok)) (bad-request))
== Linting app.routes.login ==
== Linting app.helpers.helpers ==
== Linting app.routes.inbox ==
== Linting app.middleware ==

You can see from the example output that Eastwood found an issue with users.clj line 133.

The issue is caused by an expression threading x into nothing.