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Switching to the REPLλ︎

Todo::re-write this sectionλ︎

Update for Clojure CLI tools

, s a toggles between a Clojure code file buffer and the REPL buffer, opening the REPL buffer where required.

, s n evaluates the namespace of the current Clojure file in the REPL, changing the REPL to be in that namespace.

Hint::To REPL buffer or not to REPL bufferλ︎

Many developers simply evaluate functions and expressions within the Clojure code buffer itself.

A REPL buffer is very useful for showing larger results from evaluating code and any side effect information such as logging and debugging.

Select the REPL namespaceλ︎

SPC SPC cider-repl-set-ns displays a pop-up buffer of all the available namespaces.

A running REPL is required.

Hint::The user namespaceλ︎

When starting a REPL the default namespace is called user. This namespace contains the clojure.repl library allowing you to call functions useful for development, such as (doc ,,,), (source ,,,), etc.

To use the doc and source tools, you can stay in the user namespace and use require function to include your own code in the user namespace. For example:

(require 'my-custom-code.core)
(require '[my-custom-code-time :as time])

Setting the default REPL namespaceλ︎

Set the namespace used when starting the REPL in the project.clj file by adding :init-ns to the :repl-options

:repl-options {:init-ns the-default.namespace}


Keybinding Description
, s a toggle between source code and REPL buffer
, s o Switch between CLJ & CLJS REPLs in current project

REPL Bufferλ︎

The REPL buffer contains a detailed welcome message describing how to use the basics of the REPL.

Spacemacs Clojure REPL Buffer