Doom Emacs configurationλ︎
Doom curates a large number of modules, a module being one or more Emacs packages with configuration.
contains three configuration files created by the install process.
- init.el - enable / disable Doom modules
- config.el - elisp configuration, setting variables, etc.
- packages.el - manage specific packages, adding to or overriding packages in the Doom modules
Check parens are balanced in config
command will check the current buffer for balanced parens (all open parens have a matching close paren)
Doom modulesλ︎
Space h d m to list the built-in Doom module documentation (NOTE: documentation for some modules can be light or non-existant)
Edit .config/doom/init.el
to select modules to be included.
practicalli/doom-emacs-config has a curated set of modules
The most useful modules include:
Module | Description |
(clojure +lsp) | Cider and Clojure Mode |
lsp | language server support UI |
(magit +forge) | Rich Git Client with Forge Issue & PR support |
(docker +lsp) | editing in many places at once |
multiple-cursors | editing in many places at once |
Personal informationλ︎
Set new buffers to open in org-mode rather than fundamntal-mode
Line Numbersλ︎
defines the type of line numbers.
consecutive line numbering, 1,2,3,...relative
relative numbers to current line for vim navigation, e.g.24 j
to jump down 24 lines.
Set to relative for Vim-style relative numbers, to support jumping lines, e.g. 2 4 J
Space t F toggles the current frame to be full screen
Configure Emacs to always start maximized
Space h T opens a selection menu of all available themes. Type a theme name or scroll with Ctrl+j and Ctrl+k
Enter to select the theme.
doom-gruvbox theme is configured in practicalli/doom-emacs-config
++ctrl+equals++ to increase font size, Ctrl+- to decrease fault size.
Practicalli recommends Fira Code font which is a very clear font for source code and also supports ligatures. Fira Code is configured in practicalli/doom-emacs-config
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code" :size 14 :weight 'semi-light))
TODO: set font for big mode Space t b
Doom Font variables
Doom exposes five (optional) variables for controlling fonts in Doom:
- `doom-font' -- the primary font to use
- `doom-variable-pitch-font' -- a non-monospace font (where applicable)
doom-big-font' -- used for
doom-big-font-mode'; use this for presentations or streaming.- `doom-unicode-font' -- for unicode glyphs
doom-serif-font' -- for the
fixed-pitch-serif' face
'C-h v doom-font' for documentation and more examples of what they accept. For example:
Preview files when navigating file names in treemacs
Not used by practicalli/doom-emacs-config
;; Not currently used in practicalli/doom-emacs-config
(map! :map treemacs-mode-map
"<down>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(next-line arg)
"<up>" (lambda (&optional arg) (interactive)
(previous-line arg)
Version controlλ︎
Magit Forge will use encrypted developer tokens stored in authinfo.gpg to access GitHub / GitLab API, to manage issues and pull requests.
Format toolsλ︎
Space : +format/buffer
TAB with cursor at start of a line will indent the line, any other position on the line it will try to insert a tab
Configure TAB to always indent the line, no matter the column position
Whitespace cleanupλ︎
Space c w deletes whitespace at end of lines
Space c ++W++ deletes whitespace at end of lines
Automating whitespace cleanup seems very limited and requires external format tools which may also use a number of format rules that may or may not be of value.
Format module requires format tools
Doom does not have the capability to remove whitespace by itself
Enable the format
module with the +onsave
option to call the respective format tool
Install the format Command Line tools
- Prettier - Markdown and others...
Prettier has very limited Markdown rule configuration
Prettier only has one configuration option, whether to wrap lines. It is not possible to configure any rules as with MarkdownLint.
Docker supportλ︎
(docker +lsp)
for Docker module with LSP support, providing Dockerfile lint and syntax support
LSP server binary provided by dockerfile-language-server-nodejs
This module assumes docker
, docker-compose
and =docker-machine= binaries are installed and accessible from your PATH.
Performance tweaksλ︎
Configuration files for doom start with lexical binding which has performance advantages.