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Completion with Verticoλ︎

Vertico module enhances the Emacs search and completion experience, with united interface for project search and replace, powered by ripgrep

The primary packages are:

  • Vertico - vertical completion user interface
  • Consult - suite of useful commands using ~completing-read~
  • Embark - set of minibuffer actions
  • Marginalia - annotations to completion candidates
  • Orderless - additional filtering methods

Consult can use several external tools which must be installed to use their features

Module flagsλ︎

  • +childframe Display completion candidates in a child frame rather than an overlay or tooltip. Requires GUI Emacs.

  • +icons :: Add icons to =file= and =buffer= category completion selections.

Vertico keybindingsλ︎

When in an active Vertico completion session, the following doom added keybindings are available:

Keybind Description
Ctrl+k (evil) Go to previous candidate
Ctrl+j (evil) Go to next candidate
Ctrl+Meta+k (evil) Go to previous group
Ctrl+Meta+j (evil) Go to next group
++ctrl+semi-colon++ or Space a Open an ~embark-act~ menu to chose a useful action
Ctrl+c ++ctrl+semi-colon++ export the current candidate list to a buffer
Ctrl+c Ctrl+l ~embark-collect~ the current candidate list (collect verbatim)
Ctrl+Space Preview the current candidate

embark-act will prompt you with a =which-key= menu with useful commands on the selected candidate or candidate list, depending on the completion category.

Marginalia annotaions on help menu

Ctrl+h shows a help menu of options with a Vertico buffer showing more detailed descriptions from Marginalia annotations

Jump-to navigationλ︎

Navigate within a project using projectile

Keybind Description
Space p f Jump to file in project
Space f f Jump to file from current directory
Space s i Jump to symbol in file

Project search & replaceλ︎

This module provides interactive text search and replace using ripgrep.

Keybind Description
Space s p Search project
Space s P Search another project
Space s d Search this directory
Space s D Search another directory

Space u universal argument prefix to commands instructs the search tool to include ignored file patterns.

Ctrl+C+Ctrl+e to send the search results to an editable buffer

Z Z or Ctrl+C+Ctrl+c to commit changes

Z Q or Ctrl+C+Ctrl+k to abort changes

In-buffer searchingλ︎

This module provides some in buffer searching bindings:

  • [[kbd:][spc s s]] (~isearch~)
  • [[kbd:][spc s S]] (~+vertico/search-symbol-at-point~ via ~consult-line~)
  • [[kbd:][spc s b]] (~consult-line~)

An ~occur-edit~ buffer can be opened from ~consult-line~ with [[kbd:][C-c C-e]].

Vertico integrationλ︎

Keybind Description
M x or Space : Enhanced M-x
Space ++quote++ Resume last Vertico session

Jump to files, buffers or projectsλ︎

Keybind Description
Space Enter Find bookmark
Space f f or Space . Browse from current directory
Space p f or Space Space Find file in project
Space f f Find recently opened file
Space p f Open another project
Space b b or Space , Switch to buffer in current workspace
Space b B or Space < Switch to buffer

[[kbd:][spc b b]] and [[kbd:][spc ,]] support changing the workspace you're selecting a buffer from via [[][Consult narrowing]], e.g. if you're on the first workspace, you can switch to selecting a buffer from the third workspace by typing [[kbd:][3 spc]] into the prompt, or the last workspace by typing [[kbd:][0 spc]].

[[kbd:][spc f f]] and [[kbd:][spc .]] support exporting to a [[kbd:][wdired]] buffer using [[kbd:][C-c C-e]].

| Keybind | Description | |---------+-------------------------------------------| | [[kbd:][spc p t]] | List all TODO/FIXMEs in project | | [[kbd:][spc s b]] | Search the current buffer | | [[kbd:][spc s d]] | Search this directory | | [[kbd:][spc s D]] | Search another directory | | [[kbd:][spc s i]] | Search for symbol in current buffer | | [[kbd:][spc s p]] | Search project | | [[kbd:][spc s P]] | Search another project | | [[kbd:][spc s s]] | Search the current buffer (incrementally) |

* File Path Completionλ︎

Note that Emacs allows you to switch directories with shadow paths, for example starting at =/foo/bar/baz=, typing =/foo/bar/baz/~/= will switch the searched path to the home directory. For more information see ~substitute-in-file-name~ and ~file-name-shadow-mode~. This module will erase the "shadowed" portion of the path from the minibuffer, so in the previous example the path will be reset to =~/=.


  • Multiple candidate search This module modifies the default keybindings used in ~consult-completing-read-multiple~: | Keybind | Description | |---------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | [[kbd:][TAB]] | Select or deselect current candidate | | [[kbd:][RET]] | Enters selected candidates (also toggles current candidate) |

* Async search commandsλ︎

:PROPERTIES: :ID: 4ab16bf0-f9e8-4798-8632-ee7b13d2291e :END: Consult async commands (e.g. ~consult-ripgrep~) will have a preceding separator character (usually ~#~) before the search input. This is known as the =perl= splitting style. Input typed after the separator will be fed to the async command until you type a second seperator, afterwhich the candidate list will be filtered with Emacs instead (and can be filtered using [[doom-package:orderless]], for example). The specific seperator character can be changed by editing it, and might be different if the initial input already contains =#=.

Note that grep-like async commands translate the input (between the first and second =#=) to an Orderless-light expression: space separated inputs are all matched in any order. If the grep backend does not support PCRE lookahead, it'll only accept 3 space separated inputs to prevent long lookup times, and further filtering should be done after a second =#=.

For more information [[][see here]].


| Keybind | Description | |---------+---------------------------------| | [[kbd:][M-A]] | Cycle between annotation levels |

Marginalia annotations for symbols (e.g. [[kbd:][spc h f]] and [[kbd:][spc h v]]) come with extra information the nature of the symbol. For the meaning of the annotations see ~marginalia--symbol-class~.

Orderless filteringλ︎

When using orderless to filter through candidates, the default behaviour is for each space separated input to match the candidate as a regular expression or literally.

Note that due to this style of matching, pressing tab does not expand the input to the longest matching prefix (like shell completion), but rather uses the first matched candidate as input. Filtering further is instead achieved by pressing space and entering another input. In essence, when trying to match, instead of option 1., use option 2.:

  1. (BAD) Enter ~foo TAB~, completes to =foobar.=, enter ~org RET~
  2. (GOOD) Enter ~foo spc org RET~

Doom has some builtin [[][style dispatchers]] for more fine-grained filtering, which you can use to further specify each space separated input in the following ways: | Input | Description | |--------------+------------------------------------------| | ~!foo~ | match without literal input =foo= | | ~%foo~ or ~foo%~ | perform ~char-fold-to-regexp~ on input =foo= | | ~foo~ or ~foo~ | match input =foo= as an initialism | | ~=foo~ or ~foo=~ | match only with literal input =foo= | | ~~foo~ or ~foo~~ | match input =foo= with fuzzy/flex matching |