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Yasnippets is provided by the snippets module

Add snippets to the .config/doom/snippets directory, under a directory named after the major mode in which the snippet should be available, e.g. clojure snippets should be saved in the .config/doom/clojure-mode/ directory.

Creating snippetsλ︎

Ctrl+c Ctrl+n to create a new snippet in the current major mode (although that can be changed when saving the snippet)

Visually select text before creating the snippet to create a snippet from that text.

Edit the snippet using tab stops and place holders

Ctrl+c Ctrl+c to commit the snippet, prompting for comfirmation of the major mode and if the snippet file should be saved.

Creating custom yasnippets

A Practicalli detailed guide to writing snippets with yasnippet

Clojure LSP snippetsλ︎

Enable the lsp and clojure adding lsp as an option

(clojure +lsp)

Clojure LSP contains its own snippets.

practicalli/clojure-lsp-config containes a range of snippets designed by Practicalli and used regularly. Add this configuration to .config/clojure-lsp or copy specific snippets to your clojure LSP configuration in the :additionaal-snippets key.

Adding custom snippetsλ︎

Custom snippets for Clojure LSP

A Practicalli detailed guide for writing custom snippets for Clojure LSP

Edit the config.edn file.

The :additional-snippets key has a collection of hash-maps, with each hash-map representing a snippet.

$n represents a tab-stop, where the TAB key will jump throughout the snippet. n is an integer number to define the order of the tab-stops, e.g. $1, $2, $3.

$0 is a special tab-stop that denotes the end of the tab-stops, ending the snippet interaction.

${n:placeholder text} allows text to be placed at the tab-stop to give an indication as to the value to be completed. The placeholder text is automatically highlighted when tabbing into the tab-stop, so typing a new value replaces the placeholder text.

Highlighting and replacing the text does not work for the $0 tab-stop, so placeholder text should not be used with this specific tab-stop.