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Getting Help with Doom Emacsλ︎

The main places to get help with Doom Emacs seem to be:

  • Doom Emacs built-in docs - sparse but useful when present
  • Discorse - community frequently asked questions - search for previous discussions
  • Discord - chat based help from the community

Doom Emacs Built-in docsλ︎

Space h d h opens a list of available documentation, Ctrl j / k to scroll through the list or type a pattern to narrow the list.

Enter opens the highlighted documentation in a new buffer

Not everything is documentation in detail in Doom, but the built-in documentation is a good starting place.

Doom Discourseλ︎

Doom Discourse website provides guides and tutorials for using Doom Emacs.

Questions can also be asked on Discourse in the #doom-help channel, althought Practicalli had more success using Discord for questions.

Use Discourse as Extended Docs

Search discourse for previous discussions which can often fill in for missing Doom documentation. If the topic is not covered in Doom Discourse then ask questions in Discord.


Doom Discord community is a chat website that can also be accessed via the Discord application.

Discord was found to be most useful for asking questions once the built-in docs and Doom Discourse had been searched.

Clojurians Slackλ︎

The #doom-emacs channel on the Clojurians Slack is similar to Discord, although with far fewer members. Unless its a Clojure & Doom specific question then probably better to ask on Discord.

Stack Overflowλ︎

Stack Overflow has an emacs tag, and a more specific doom tag with far fewer questions (but perhaps more relevant) nothing specific for Doom Emacs.

Search using the emacs tag including Doom in the patter to help find relevant articles

There are a large number of general Emacs questions under the emacs tag.