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Integrant implementationλ︎


  • an integrant system configuration in resources/config.edn
  • Integrant init-key used to start each component
  • Integrant halt-key! to stop each component
  • Define -main function to load the system configuration, optionally parse with aero, start all components and hold a reference to the running system that listens to SIGTERM events

Prepare systemλ︎

Use prep function to load namespaces into the REPL.

Aero Parse system config and load component namespaces

Prepare system confige and load namespaces
(defn aero-prep
  "Parse the system config and update values for the given profile (:dev, :test :prod)
  Top-level keys in `config.edn` use fully qualified namespace name for `ig/init-key` defmethod
  `ig/load-namespaces` automatically loads each namespace referenced by a top-level key
  Return: configuration hash-map for specified profile (:dev :test :prod) with aero tags resolved"
  (let [config (aero-config profile)]
    ;; (mulog/log ::integrant-load-namespaces :config config :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)
    (ig/load-namespaces config)

Initialise Componentsλ︎

Define how components are initialised (started and/or configured)

Start mulog publisher for the given publisher type, i.e. console, cloud-watch

Start mulog publisher

(defmethod ig/init-key ::log-publish
  [_ {:keys [mulog] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component :publisher-config mulog :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (let [publisher (mulog/start-publisher! mulog)]

Connection for a Relational Database Persistence which returns a hash-map of connection values: endpoint, access-key, secret-key

Database Connection

(defmethod ig/init-key ::relational-store
  [_ {:keys [connection] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::persistence-component :connection connection :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

TODO: add example of connection pool

Configure environment for router application, e.g. database connection details, etc.

Request Router

(defmethod ig/init-key ::router
  [_ config]
  (mulog/log ::app-routing-component :app-config config)
  (router/app config))

HTTP server start - returns function to stop the server

HTTP Server start

(defmethod ig/init-key ::http-server
  [_ {:keys [handler port join?]}]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component :handler handler :port port :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (http-server/run-server handler {:port port :join? join?}))

Shutdown Componentsλ︎

Define how each component should be halted (if required)

Server processes should be halted gracefully

Shut down components via Integrant

Shut down all components using the Integrant system configuration
(defn stop
  "Stop service using Integrant halt!"
  (mulog/log ::http-server-sigterm :system system :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; (println "Shutdown of Practicall Gameboard service via Integrant")
  (ig/halt! system))

Shutdown HTTP service

Halt HTTP server

(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::http-server
  [_ http-server-instance]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component-shutdown  :http-server-object http-server-instance :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Calling http instance shuts down that instance

Halt process gracefullyλ︎

Use the Java addShutdownHook method to obtains detail of the current JVM runtime environment and call a Clojure stop function with the Integrant system configuration to stop the components.

(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. ^Runnable #(stop system)))
Typical 30 second shutdown

Most Cloud Infrastructure should provide 30 seconds to shut down all services before the operating system begins to shut down.

The -main function from the Gameboard Web Service which starts all components with a given Aero profile (:dev profile default).

The -main function creates a system local name from preparing the Integrant system configuration, which is passed to the Clojure service stop function via an .addShutdownHook to gracefully shut down the services

-main function to start and shut down an HTTP server gracefully

 (defn -main
   "Gameboard service is started with `ig/init` and the Integrant configuration,
   with the return value bound to the namespace level `system` name.
   Aero is used to configure Integrant configuration based on profile (dev, test, prod),
   allowing environment specific configuration, e.g. mulog publisher
   The shutdown hook calling a zero arity function, gracefully stopping the service
   on receipt of a SIGTERM from the infrastructure, giving the application 30 seconds before forced termination."

   (let [profile (or (keyword (System/getenv "SERVICE_PROFILE"))

         ;; Add keys to every event / publish profile use to start the service
         _ (mulog/set-global-context!
            {:app-name "Practicalli Gameboard Service" :version  "0.1.0" :env profile})

         system (ig/init (environment/aero-prep profile))

         _ (mulog/log ::gameboard-system :system-config system)]

     ;; Gracefully shutdown the HTTP server on recieving a SIGTERM
     (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. ^Runnable #(stop system)))))

Halt Event Log Publisherλ︎

The event log publisher should be the last component to be shut down to ensure all events have been captured and had time to be published.

Shutdown the mulog event publisher process, including a (Thread/sleep 250) to sleep the thread for 250ms to give time for all events to be published.

Halt event log publisher

(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::log-publish
  [_ publisher]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component-shutdown :publisher-object publisher :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Pause so final messages have chance to be published
  (Thread/sleep 250)
  ;; Call publisher again to stop publishing

Important to shut down the mulog publisher

If the mulog publisher is not shut down then multiple publishers could be run when restarting system components. Each publisher running will publish each event, leading to events being published multiple times.

The mulog configuration can be defined to run multiple types of publishers, which if not shut down on a system restart will publish mutltipe events to each type of publisher.

Ensuring all types of mulog publishers are shut down will avoid this issue.

Stoping the REPL process will also terminate any mulog publishers that were initialised.

Practicalli Gameboard Service Integrant System Configuration
(ns practicalli.gameboard.system
  "Service component lifecycle management"
   ;; Component system
   [{{top/ns}}.{{main/ns}}.parse-system :as parse-system]

   ;; System dependencies
   [integrant.core         :as ig]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))

;; --------------------------------------------------
;; Configure and start application components

;; Start mulog publisher for the given publisher type, i.e. console, cloud-watch
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmethod ig/init-key ::log-publish
  [_ {:keys [mulog] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component :publisher-config mulog :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (let [publisher (mulog/start-publisher! mulog)]

;; Connection for Relational Database Persistence
;; return hash-map of connection values: endpoint, access-key, secret-key
;; TODO: add example of connection pool
(defmethod ig/init-key ::relational-store
  [_ {:keys [connection] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::persistence-component :connection connection :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

;; Connections for data services
(defmethod ig/init-key ::data-provider
  [_ config]
  (mulog/log ::data-provider-component :configuration config :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

;; Configure environment for router application, e.g. database connection details, etc.
(defmethod ig/init-key ::router
  [_ config]
  (mulog/log ::app-routing-component :app-config config)
  (router/app config))

;; HTTP server start - returns function to stop the server
(defmethod ig/init-key ::http-server
  [_ {:keys [handler port join?]}]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component :handler handler :port port :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (http-server/run-server handler {:port port :join? join?}))

;; Shutdown HTTP service
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::http-server
  [_ http-server-instance]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component-shutdown  :http-server-object http-server-instance :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Calling http instance shuts down that instance

;; Shutdown Log publishing
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::log-publish
  [_ publisher]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component-shutdown :publisher-object publisher :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Pause so final messages have chance to be published
  (Thread/sleep 250)
  ;; Call publisher again to stop publishing

(defn stop
  "Stop service using Integrant halt!"
  (mulog/log ::http-server-sigterm :system system :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; (println "Shutdown of Billie Fraud API service via Integrant")
  (ig/halt! system))
;; --------------------------------------------------