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Integrant Overviewλ︎

Integrant manages the life-cycle of components that are composed to create the Clojure service, i.e. start, stop, restart.

Integrant uses a declarative configuration (resources/config.edn) to define a system configuration.

Components are managed using runtime polymorphism, i.e. defmethod, to define how each component is managed.

  • init-key start a component
  • halt-key! stop a component

Integrant REPL manages components during development to restart the services, loading all code changes into the REPL (especially useful after ranaming functions and namespaces)

integrant.repl.state/config shows the configuration used to start the service. integrant.repl.state/system to inspect the configuration state of the running system.

Integrant and Integrant REPL can share the same system configuration file, although are otherwise separate ways of working with a system.

Integrant configurationλ︎

Define the configuration for each part of the system, such as http server (jetty, httpkit), router application (reitit, compojure, ring) and persistence storage (postgres, crux)

Use a shared resources/config.edn file with Integrant for consistency. Or if there is significant experimentation to be done, create a dev/resources/config.edn file

Define composite components

 {:handler #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/router
  :port  8888
  :join? false}

 {:persistence #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/relational-store}

 {:connection  {:url "http://localhost/" :port 57207 :database "gameboard"}}}

Fully qualified keywords, e.g., are used so that keys are unique throughout the system.

The fully qualified name is the namespace that contains the defmethod init-key for the key. The Integrant load-namespaces function will automatically load all namespaces that match key names

Composite componentsλ︎

Components can be composed of configuration and references to other components, creating a composite component.

For example an HTTP component may reference a request handler component and in turn the request handler may include a database connection component.

Integrant uses the #ig/ref tag literal to define a references to anther component.

Component relationships in a Clojure web service
  • relational-store defines a database connection
  • an request router includes a reference to the database connection, so handlers can be passed connection details
  • http-server includes a reference to the router that will assign all requests to the relevant handler functions
     {:connection {:url "http://localhost/" :port 57207 :database "scoreboard"}}
     {:persistence #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/relational-store}}
     {:handler #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/router
      :join? false}

Aero and Integrantλ︎

Aero defines a range of tag literals that can be used in a system configuration.

Aero does not include the #ig/ref reference so needs to be taught how to handle this tag using a defmethod.

Define integrant ref tag for Aero reader

Define ig/ref tag for Aero reader
(defmethod aero/reader 'ig/ref
  [_ tag value]
  (ig/ref value))

Now aero can parse a system configuration EDN file that contains Integrant references

Integrant System Configurationλ︎

The system configuration is a hash-map with each component defined as a top-level key and its associated values (a hash-map of key-value pairs). Component dependencies are defined by including a component key within the definition of another component.

Defining relationships between services, such as an HTTP server and a Persistent store, are achieved by passing the relevant parts of the configuration to each service. As this is information is managed at the top level of a Clojure system, it avoids unnecessary coupling between system services.

The request router is dependant on a database connection and an external data provider connection to provide information to the handlers that satisfy the requests.

Define the request router as a composite component including these dependant components via an Integrant reference, #ig/ref

Integrant dependant components

  {:persistence #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/relational-store
   :data-provider #ig/ref :practicalli.gameboard.service/data-provider}}