Donut Systemλ︎
Donut system takes a system as data approach, using a hash-map to define the overall system with keys to define each component (or component group) in that system.
Component definitions are also a hash-map with :start
, :stop
, :config
keys to express how to manage that component
Donut system configuration is a similar data-centric approach to that used by reitit for http request routing.
Practicalli uses ::donut alias instead of ::ds
The donut.system
library is required using the :as donut
is used as the keyword qualifier
Practicalli recommends meaningful names to make code easier to read and searching considerably simpler (fewer false matches)
Create project with Donutλ︎
template from Practicalli Project Templates can be given a :component
option to include the Donut System library and example code.
alias from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config
Create Clojure Web Service project with Donut
Including Donutλ︎
Donut library includes a REPL workflow namespace, so there is only one library dependency to add to the project. This project must be included at runtime so should be added to the project deps.edn
Donut dependency in Gameboard project
["src" "resources"]
{;; Service
http-kit/http-kit {:mvn/version "2.6.0"} ; latest "2.7.0-alpha1"
metosin/reitit {:mvn/version "0.5.13"}
;; Logging
com.brunobonacci/mulog {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
com.brunobonacci/mulog-adv-console {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
;; System
aero/aero {:mvn/version "1.1.6"}
party.donut/system {:mvn/version "0.0.202"}
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}}}
Define a Systemλ︎
Donut defines a system using a Clojure hash-map with the following top level keys
to define components of a system or component group::donut/signals
customise the startup/shutdown approach (optional)
Create a system
namespace to define the donut system
Require libraries in the namespace form
Define a system that runs a web server with event log publisher
The http server use the :env
environment to determine the port, although this could be defined directly in the :http :server :config section.
There is a relationship inside the http component between server and handler. The handler depends on configuration within the :env
environment configuration.
The :instance
key is associated with the component reference that is returned when a component is started. The :instance reference is used to shut down the service.
The event log publisher and http service have no intrinsic relationship, so order of startup is not an issue as any mulog events created are cached until the publisher has started.
Simple Web Service
(def system
"System Component management with Donut"
{:env {:http-port 8080
:persistence {:database-host (System/getenv "POSTGRES_HOST")
:database-port (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PORT")
:database-username (System/getenv "POSTGRES_USERNAME")
:database-password (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PASSWORD")
:database-schema (System/getenv "POSTGRES_SCHEMA")}}
:event-log {:publisher
#::donut{:start (fn mulog-publisher-start
[{{:keys [dev]} ::donut/config}]
(mulog/start-publisher! dev))
:stop (fn mulog-publisher-stop
[{::donut/keys [instance]}]
:config {:dev {:type :console :pretty? true}}}}
:http {:server
#::donut{:start (fn http-kit-run-server
[{{:keys [handler options]} ::donut/config}]
(http-server/run-server #'handler options))
:stop (fn http-kit-stop-server
[{::donut/keys [instance]}]
:config {:handler (donut/local-ref [:handler])
:options {:port (donut/ref [:env :http-port])
:join? false}}}
:handler (router/app (donut/ref [:env :persistence]))}}})
Quote handler function to evaluate changes
Use #'
reader quote when passing the handler
function to the server so that changes to the code called by the handler function can be updated by evaluating those changes in the REPL.
Start the systemλ︎
Use donut/signal
with the ::donut/start
key to start all the components in the system.
key is associated with a signal configuration to modify the start and stop process, although the default process should work in most cases.
Define a -main
function in the main namespace of the service, e.g practicalli.gameboard.service
The -main
function starts the Donut system and keeps the system reference as a local name
The system reference is used to shutdown the system, typically wrapped in code to handle SIGTERM signals from the infrastructure running the service (Operating system, Kubernettes, EC2, etc.)
Start a Donut system
(defn -main
"practicalli service managed by donut system,
Aero is used to configure Integrant configuration based on profile (dev, test, prod),
allowing environment specific configuration, e.g. mulog publisher
The shutdown hook gracefully stops the service on receipt of a SIGTERM from the infrastructure,
giving the application 30 seconds before forced termination."
{:app-name "practicalli donoughty service" :version "0.1.0"})
(mulog/log ::gameboard-system :system-config system/config)
(let [running-system (donut/signal system/system ::donut/start)]
(Thread. ^Runnable #(donut/signal running-system ::donut/stop)))))
Service REPL Workflowλ︎
namespace provides functions to start, stop and restart system components.
The main system configuration used when starting the service can also be used for the REPL, or other named systems can be defined allowing for a customised system during development.
Service REPL workflow
(ns system-repl
"Tools for REPL Driven Development"
[donut.system :as donut]
[donut.system.repl :as donut-repl]
[practicalli.donoughty.system :as donoughty]
[com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))
(defmethod donut/named-system :donut.system/repl
[_] donoughty/main)
(defn start
"Start system with donut, optionally passing a named system"
([] (donut-repl/start))
([system-config] (donut-repl/start system-config)))
(defn stop
"Stop the currently running system"
[] (donut-repl/stop))
(defn restart
"Restart the system with donut repl,
Uses to reload namespaces
`( :after 'donut.system.repl/start)`"
[] (donut-repl/restart))