Unit testsλ︎
In Clojure web applications the handler functions are the main focus of the unit tests.
Create the file test/practicalli/request-handler-test.clj
to contain the unit tests.
Define the request-handler-test
namespace, including other namespaces that should be required.
The ring.mock.request
library is added to simulate request calls to the handlers.
(ns practicalli.request-handler-test
(:require [practicalli.request-handler :as SUT]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[ring.mock.request :as mock]))
Add unit tests for each handler that will be created in practicalli.request-handler
A simple starting point for tests is to check the correct HTTP status code is being returned.
library contains a request
function that will generate a mock request hash-map from a given HTTP protocol (:get :post etc.) and a address.
(deftest welcome-page-test
(testing "Testing elements on the welcome page"
(is (= 200
(:status (SUT/welcome-page (mock/request :get "/")))))))
Ensuring a status code in handlersλ︎
The ring.util.response
namespace is added to the practicalli.request-handlers
namespace. This provide the response
function which wraps the body (i.e. web page content) with a correctly formed response hash-map.
The practicalli.request-handlers
namespace definition
(ns practicalli.request-handler
(:require [ring.util.response :refer [response]]
[hiccup.core :refer [html]]
[hiccup.page :refer [html5 include-js include-css]]
[hiccup.element :refer [link-to]]))
The welcome page (GET "/"
) content is defined with hiccup code to generate a HTML page (html5
). This content is wrapped by the response
function to return a response hash-map.
(defn welcome-page
{:lang "en"}
(include-css "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bulma@0.9.0/css/bulma.min.css")]
[:section {:class "hero is-info"}
[:div {:class "hero-body"}
[:div {:class "container"}
[:h1 {:class "title"} "Banking on Clojure"]
[:p {:class "subtitle"}
"Making your money immutable"]]]]
[:section {:class "section"}
[:div {:class "container"}
(link-to {:class "button is-primary"} "/accounts" "Login")
(link-to {:class "button is-danger"} "/register" "Register")
[:p {:class "content"}
"Manage your money without unexpected side-effects using a simple made easy banking service"]
[:img {:src "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jr0cket/developer-guides/master/clojure/clojure-piggy-bank.png"}]]]])))
Using Kaocha to run testsλ︎
Kaocha was added as part of the continuous integration configuration as a local binary. This kaocha binary can be called to run the tests and check that all the handlers are returning the right status code.
kaocha should return the results of running all unit tests in the project.
If a handler does not return the correct status code, then kaocha will highlight the error in the unit test results.
kaocha will show a summary of the results when all the tests are successful.